Make All Grace Abound

When we say that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, we often haven’t counted our blessings.  We want God to give us further grace when we’re not really using what He’s already given us.

I. Matthew 25:27-29.  We must not abuse it or we will lose it.  Saul justified not totally wiping out Amalek per God’s command by believing he could devote some of the plunder to God.  God, however, called this rebellion and rejected Saul as king (1 Samuel 15:20-23).  Likewise are told to invest the grace that God has given us to bring about glory for Him.

II. John 4:23-24.  We must not misuse it or we will lose it.  The prophet Nathan made David aware of his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah and listed all the grace that God had given him, stating that if all that was too little that God would have given him more (2 Samuel 12:7-14).  Likewise we cease to be true worshipers if we stray from either that done in spirit or in truth.

III. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.  If we do not use it, we will lose it.  As Christians Ananias and Sapphira were given much grace, but when they saw others selling properties and giving the money to the church, they lied about that which was at their disposal (Acts 5:1-4).  How are we using that which God has entrusted to us?  His grace abounds in our lives so we may abound in every good work.

We are participants not spectators in our Christian walks and together as the church in our service to God and others.  Count your blessings.  Are you using or losing what God has given you?

When the church meets

Lord of life and loving Savior, on this day when the church meets together according to the commandment of Jesus Christ,

  • Let me be useful to the eternal kingdom;
  • Show me someone who is in need of spiritual guidance;
  • Help me to be a friend to a lonely person;
  • Put me in the path of someone who is seeking the way to you;
  • Give me wisdom to speak words of comfort and hope;
  • Make my joy and peace to shine as evidence of your salvation;
  • Let my purpose today be to edify others and to glorify you.

The benefits of love

1 Cor 16.14

  1. The purpose of love brings fulfillment. Even menial and unpleasant tasks become meaningful when done in love. The worst job is redeemed by love. Every activity holds the potential as a channel to express love.
  2. The work of love produces usefulness. Nothing is wasted when love is at work. “Every work performed by love is beneficent, it has a brightness in it to enlighten, a balm in it to soothe, a music in it to charm, an aroma in it to please” (D. Thomas).
  3. The force of love creates unity. Love binds everything in life into a coherent whole. It brings oneness to the self and to the community. If God is love, then love embraces all of one’s existence.

This outline was inspired by one by D. Thomas in J.S. Exell’s Biblical Illustrator, on the Bible text above.