The perfect wedding

Lord God, let knowledge and love be joined permanently together in my faith, as the perfect wedding of groom and bride. Teach me your ways, and help me to obey your every command.

Make your truth my clothing and protection, for I seek your wisdom night and day. Let the facts of the gospel be precious to me, and its commands always in my heart.

Make my teaching and life a powerful argument before those outside of Christ.

The doctrine of Christ is light and life, O Savior. Let his words be our constant meditation and our insistent message to all.

In truth lie our hope and strength

Strengthen us, O Lord, to resist Satan and to subdue sin in our lives. Help us to do what is right. Keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who did not sin and who always pleased you by doing your will.

Keep us from being naive. Let us not underestimate the power of Satan to deceive. Remind us, however, of the greater power of your Spirit, the marvelous Force of your Word, the live, ongoing transformation that Jesus works in us. Continue reading “In truth lie our hope and strength”

Mixed with Compassion

Your judgments are invariably right,
O God who knows, God who is light;
By righteousness the earth is blessed,
The saints encouraged, evil men suppressed;
Save me from smallness that always finds fault,
To critical words of the tongue bring a halt;
But help me judge correctly all things,
With justice that only your Word brings,
Mixed with compassion, that all confess
The God I know, who seeks to bless.

Let me not be swayed by beautiful words or fine phrases

Lord, let me not be swayed by beautiful words or fine phrases which hide false philosophies or strange spirits. Let me see through the fluff, make me penetrate the oratory to discern if I am hearing truth or lies. For above all, O God, I want to be free to serve you.