The Only God

You, O Lord, are one, the only God,
Living and true, and holy above creation.
Eternal are you, forever without end,
Without beginning, he who is and was
And ever will be, who holds all wisdom and power.

You entered the world of sin, in human form,
And never erred, but freely gave yourself
To save mankind, the perfect Lamb of God,
In death and pain and suffering that was ours —
Forgiveness undeserved to be received.

You came in power, from Heaven sent by Christ,
The Wind of God, to blow as he sees fit,
To bring to sinners life and lasting hope,
The promise of love. Here, O God, are heart
And body and soul — Fill me with your fullness.

Glad to show mercy

cheerful-mercyHeavenly Father, you are patient, that we might repent and find salvation. Let us not tire in our service to you. Let us be glad to show mercy. Let our truth be laced with love. Let us be always willing to bear with others.

The Lord Jesus did not waver in his purpose. Give us the same steady sight in doing your will. Continue reading “Glad to show mercy”