A will of iron

O God who spoke a word and created a world from nothing,
Create in us a new heart, a will of iron to do your bidding,
That we might give you glory and show the world the image of Christ,
Through Jesus the Lord who showed the way of light and life.

Come save us!

Our heavenly Father,
Come save us!
Come transform us!
Come fill us!
Come live in us!

Glorify yourself in us,
Fulfill your will in us,
Go forward with your mission in us,
Find your joy in us.

God almighty,
Protect your people,
Preserve your people,
Make your people grow,
Carry your people to heaven.

Transform My Mind

© 2019 J. Randal Matheny

O God, transform my mind,
Give power to leave behind
All worldly ways and timid days,
Be to your will aligned.

Create your life in me,
The Spirit’s full degree
With joy untamed and hope ordained —
Of earthly suffering free.

Perfection my desire,
Your holiness my fire —
The Savior’s zeal my close ideal
To move me higher and higher.

Upon Your Spirit

The mind is marked with sin’s impress,
The past disrupts the single eye;
O God of power, we confess:
Upon your Spirit we rely.

Speak in Our Ears

O God of truth — speak in our ears —
let us hear with sharpest hearing,
hanging on your every word.

O God of words — speak and create
in us a new creation — Being —
transformation of heart and soul.

O God of life — speak softly of love —
bring healing touch and caring hand,
that we might never leave your presence.

As Jesus Shook Foundations

O God, who walked this earth and looked
His fellow man eye to eye,
Who touched and healed the sick and lame,
Who took upon yourself our blame:
Make our own words sanctify
Those who surround us — as Jesus shook
Foundations, let our faith transform
Souls who must face the coming storm.

Through the pains of suffering

Lord God and Father in Heaven, you know our hearts, our struggles, our joys, our desires. Transform us into the image of your Son. Create in us the soul designed for eternity. Give us wholeness, sincerity, integrity, and holiness in Christ. Make us men and women of faith. Carry us through our day with patience, longsuffering, wisdom, and love. Bring us through the pains of suffering with maturity and strength. Embolden us in your power.

Interactions of creatures and bodies in the universe

You, O God, are sovereign and in complete control of all that exists. Before we ever reached consciousness, you were guiding humanity toward its goal. Before we had the first thought, cried our first tears, laughed the first time, you had seen the full extent of our lifetime. And still you permit us to choose and determine the direction of our lives.

To think of the billions of people who have lived up to this moment is mind-boggling. And to consider all the minute beings and microscopic life forms and the interactions of creatures and bodies in the universe, astounds the imagination.

Not even a fallen sparrow escapes your notice. We are grateful that you watch over us. Your care and kindness lead us to consider our lives and to desire holiness, that we might live now with you, and forever.

Father, help us to make our repentance genuine; our decisions, guided by your wisdom; our faith, based upon the reality of your Being; our transformation, deep and permanent in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Make Me a Saint

Make me a saint, O God,
Not by my own merit,
But by transforming grace.

Make me a follower of Christ,
With sights set only on him,
His word my power and guide.

Make me a lover of the lost,
To speak salvation’s terms,
Going into the world. Continue reading “Make Me a Saint”