The distinctiveness of Christianity

  1. Distinctive in its Power: Romans 1:16-17
  2. Distinctive in its Message: Galatians 1:11-12; 2 Peter 1:20-21
  3. Distinctive in its Importance: Matthew 16:26; 1 Timothy 1:15-16

John Henson
Dibrell Church of Christ
95 Gills Rd.
McMinnville, TN 37110-4456


The benefits of love

1 Cor 16.14

  1. The purpose of love brings fulfillment. Even menial and unpleasant tasks become meaningful when done in love. The worst job is redeemed by love. Every activity holds the potential as a channel to express love.
  2. The work of love produces usefulness. Nothing is wasted when love is at work. “Every work performed by love is beneficent, it has a brightness in it to enlighten, a balm in it to soothe, a music in it to charm, an aroma in it to please” (D. Thomas).
  3. The force of love creates unity. Love binds everything in life into a coherent whole. It brings oneness to the self and to the community. If God is love, then love embraces all of one’s existence.

This outline was inspired by one by D. Thomas in J.S. Exell’s Biblical Illustrator, on the Bible text above.

God’s model for the church’s prayers

  1. Content — Jesus gave what we rightly call the “model prayer” Mt 6; Lk 11, as a guide for what should be included in our prayers, as Paul did in 1 Tim 2.1-7;
  2. Candidate — We talk about the right candidate for baptism, but there is also a right candidate for leading prayer as well, 1 Tim 2.8:
    (a) Males;
    (b) Not just any male, but one who is holy and not angry;
  3. Comprehension — People must be able to understand the prayer, 1 Cor 14.13-16.

Outline from

Same is good, when it’s Jesus

This earthly life changes constantly. Many like variety. But in Christ sameness is a wonderful quality.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!
Heb 13.8

Here are four comforting truths that arise from this affirmation:

  1. Jesus is divine and eternal. He is God, and his work remains.
  2. Christ’s teaching never changes. His truth continues the same.
  3. His promise never fails. Our hope is firm.
  4. His constancy gives security to those who are in him.

What other points can you draw out from the sameness of Christ?

What can keep us from God

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Psalm 70:5

  1. Pride keeps us from God (Psalm 10:4; Proverbs 16:18).
  2. Possessions can keep us from God (Luke 18:18ff).
  3. Arrogance can keep us from God (James 4:13-16).
  4. What can bring us closer to God?
    • Psalm 70:5 “I am poor and needy.”
    • Matthew 18:3-4 Become as little children.
    • Psalm 51:17 “Poor, contrite heart.”
    • Isaiah 66:2 God can save the humble.

The effects of sin and of holiness

  1. Sin wastes time. Holiness redeems the time, Eph 5.7-15; 1 Pet 1.14-17; 4.1-2, 7.
  2. Sin ruins relationships. Holiness establishes loving relationships, Col 3.12-13; 1 Pet 1.22; Jude 19-21.
  3. Sin leads to a frustrated life. Holiness leads to a life of peace, Phil 4.7-9; 1 Tim 2.2; Heb 12.14.
  4. Sin separates from God eternally. Holiness sees God, Rom 3.23; 6.23; Heb 12.14.
  5. Sin brings sadness, sooner or later. Holiness causes joy, from start to finish, Rom 14.17; 15.13; Jude 24.

Things that don’t make sense

  1. Zeal without knowledge, Prov 19.2; Rom 10.2.
  2. Riches without wisdom, Eccl 4.13; Mark 10.17-27.
  3. Sex without commitment, Gen 2.24; Heb 13.4.
  4. Hope without reason, Prov 10.28; 1 Pet 3.15.
  5. Faith without obedience, Acts 6.7; Rom 1.5; Jas 2.14-26.

What points might you add?

8 things that won’t change on November 9

By Bobby Cloyd, Smithville TN

  1. God is still in control, Job 42:2, Isa 55:8-9.
  2. We stll have a duty to respect the office, Rom 13:1-3.
  3. We have a duty to obey God rather than man, Acts 5:9.
  4. We still have a duty to proclaim the gospel, Mat 28:18-20.
  5. We still need to be a proper godly example.
  6. We have the duty to expose wickness and stand for the truth, 2 Tim 3:2.
  7. We still have duty to treat each other like brethren, Jn 13:34-35.
  8. We still have duty to treat our neighbors as ourselves, Mat 7:12.

Pray for our country and then act.

What God does not want you to know

  1. God doesn’t want you to know the hurt and pain of sin.

  2. God doesn’t want you to know the loneliness of selfishness.

  3. God doesn’t want you to know the suffering of eternity.

Christ and the church

By J. Randal Matheny. Translated from the Portuguese, published originally on TFR.

  1. Christ established the church, Mt 16.18.
    1. “My church:” He’s the founder, the church belongs to him.
    2. We always ought to build on his name.
  2. Christ leads the church, Mt 23.8-12.
    1. His leadership unites us, 1Co 1.2, 10.
    2. We ought to obey him, 2Th 1.8.
  3. Christ bought the church, Ac 20.28.
    1. His sacrifice motivates our obedience.
    2. His sacrifice motivates us to take care with the teaching.
  4. Christ sent the church, Mt 28.18-20.
    1. “Therefore:” his order is based on his authority.
    2. His work is making disciples through teaching.