Praise for every good thing that exists

God of heaven, you are to be praised for every good thing that exists, for you are good and in power bring blessing to our lives.

We thank you for your abundant mercy that spills over from us to others who also, like us, need your compassion.

Let not our failings hurt the progress of the gospel. Forgive us and place us in the work that pleases you.

Your will is to save as many as possible. Let this be our life objective.

Strengthen us against temptation, and give us joy in the task ahead.

We thank you for daily bread and daily life in Christ.

Blessed be the God and Savior of the saints across the earth! Let all creation raise its voice in praise to you!

The window-screen prayer

Lord, thank you for the screens going up on our windows, and the screen door being installed in the kitchen, to help keep the house cool this summer, and the bugs from entering.

Help us keep our minds well screened, to prevent evil thoughts from entering and to keep temptation from overcoming us. Let our hearts be aerated by your Spirit, our souls protected by your Word, our wills reinforced by each step we take toward fulfilling your will in our lives.

I want to live his life

Lord God who makes himself present among his people, thank you for coming in the person of Jesus Christ. I want to be in him. I want to live his life, having died his death. Prepare that eternal place for me, as I obey and welcome your habitation with me now.

Make today a day of joy and progress for the kingdom. Make this day a day of grace and love. Bring to us your power and truth.

Forgive and give us strength to resist temptation. Thank you for the victory in Christ. Let us keep our eyes on the resurrection, that makes all our efforts here worthwhile.

Win Each Battle

Circle your people with your protection,
O God who shields the weak from harm;
We suffer from attacks of Satan,
And fall to this world’s evil charm.

Let Christ the Victor come to conquer,
And we, with him, saved from defeat,
To win each battle, with him as Anchor,
We need not fear nor ever retreat.

Another Journey

We rise again, O Lord, to face
Another journey, another step,
Another day of friendly grace,
For waking joys till now asleep.

Our thanks, O God, for daily bread
And strength, for wisdom’s gentle light,
Midst trial and pain, for faithful aid
Upon the tempter’s fiery height.

My Savior, show me open doors
For Jesus Christ — let me not fear
To bravely leave the safer shores,
But dare, beyond horizons, steer.

In truth lie our hope and strength

Strengthen us, O Lord, to resist Satan and to subdue sin in our lives. Help us to do what is right. Keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who did not sin and who always pleased you by doing your will.

Keep us from being naive. Let us not underestimate the power of Satan to deceive. Remind us, however, of the greater power of your Spirit, the marvelous Force of your Word, the live, ongoing transformation that Jesus works in us. Continue reading “In truth lie our hope and strength”

From Water of Glory to a Desert Fast

From water of glory to a desert fast,
The Lord was taken to test his strength;
With a word of Scripture from first to last,
He kept temptation at arm’s full length.

And I, oh Lord, when the soul is dry,
When the eye of faith is weak and pale,
Put in my mouth, from the temple high,
Your word of truth, that I may not fail.

Keep us from confusion

Holy Father, keep us from confusing our own thoughts with any still, small voice we think comes from you, or with impressions considered to be of divine origin. Rather, let us meditate day and night on the Word, for these, far from vague inner voices, contain vigorous and specific truths that will change us and energize us. Continue reading “Keep us from confusion”