God of Lights and Souls

God of lights and souls,
lift us up to heaven,
raise us by your Spirit,
liven us for your presence,
give us peace within,
joy that bubbles over,
purpose of life and action.

Lord of man and beast,
look upon your people,
save us in your mercy,
shelter us in your shadow,
bless and make us blameless,
yours are power and glory,
ever and ever, amen.

The one request I know you’ll answer

Lord, so much I have to ask of you! So much I want to see happen in my life and in the lives of others! So many needs that I think I have!

There is one request, out of them all, that I know you will answer positively. I confess to not knowing what will be best for me and mine. I cannot foresee the effects of what I ask. So I pray, Your will be done.

I pray this because I know that you will do what is best for us all. You seek to bless. You want to draw us near to you. So whatever I am asking, I pray that you will do everything according to your will.

And in your will I rest and find peace.

Pleas Pour Out

What stirs within me while I pray?
What fear? what thirst? What can I say?
You know, O God, the heart’s desire,
The pliant will, to what I aspire.
Emotions, thoughts, and pleas pour out;
You know my every pain and doubt.
In Christ, make struggles glorify—
My deepest needs you supply.

Be Near Us

Be near us, God of me and mine,
Show yourself as Lord sublime,
Protect, defend, and bless this day,
Uphold our hands upon your Way.

Make me into the image of Christ

Heavenly Father, work in me to create a clean heart, pure thoughts, a sanctified life devoted to you.

Strengthen my will to make it conform to you, to help me choose always what is right and good, to be determined in the face of opposition.

Give me compassion toward my brothers and sisters in Christ. Broaden my love so that it includes all people. Let our doors be as wide as your arms to welcome others into the your house.

Make me into the image of Christ, with his truth at hand, his love always reaching out, his mission ever within the heart.

Give, O Lord who enjoys giving

O Lord who enjoys giving to his creatures, we thank you for every gift received and for your faithfulness in providing for every need and making our cup overflow.

Give us your wisdom to live well upon the earth and to influence others for eternity, for you have instructed us to ask.

Give us your patience, that we might devote ourselves tirelessly to our task. Continue reading “Give, O Lord who enjoys giving”

Tossed on the Sea as Froth

Psalm 44

In spite of what befalls us,
We don’t forget the Lord,
We’re true to him who calls us,
Not false to his covenant word.

Our hearts have kept the faith,
Our feet strayed not from the path,
Though tossed on the sea as froth,
Though we have felt his wrath.

Rouse yourself from sleep,
O Lord, we sink in the dust;
Raise us up from the deep,
In you, our King, we trust.


God of Heaven

God of heaven, when I feel down,
Remind me you, above, still reign,
I need no miracle, need no sign,
Only a thought of you again.

God of earth, when feet are tired,
When the aching back makes my eyes blurred,
When facing death, the heart is scared,
I’m heartened by what Jesus dared. Continue reading “God of Heaven”