Before the Tyrants of the World

Before the tyrants of the world,
Before important people of power,
The nations’ poor tremble and shake,
But we, O God, your humble children,
Confess your kind and sovereign Reign.

The mighty fall and quickly vanish,
Kingdoms rise and plans are thwarted.
All your words come soon to pass.
Chaotic world! But you control
Its end and bring our final salvation.

The God who Is Present

Our Father in Heaven,

You are the God who is present among his people,
Who walks among the faithful and makes them strong;
You give them direction and purpose, and love above all.
In them you breathe life everlasting and joy eternal.

We pause in this moment of prayer and deep reflection,
To remember that you are with us every moment,
We know you’ll never abandon your faithful children,
Our spirits rejoice in your care with great rejoicing.

O Savior of mankind! How often do I forget
That I do not control my life or my future,
So little power I hold over events that happen!
To you I deliver my spirit, my body, my soul.

What freedom, my God, to surrender all control!
The world is set for destruction and lives are at stake;
Already the nations are shaking, the mountains are trembling,
But always will I trust in you, my Shepherd.

For Jesus is my Lord, Amen.

Cool the Heart

Father above, of tender mercies,
Cool the heart from hard emotions,
Rest the waves of turbulent thinking,
Quiet the storms where harbors perish.

Lord of winds and tossing waters,
Bid me walk above the surges,
Sight affixed on soothing knowledge:
Earth and sea must do your bidding.

Your Perfect Plan of Love

Acts 4.23-31

Master of all, who made the heaven and earth
and sea, and every creature that they contain,
who by the Holy Spirit, through David, said:

“The nations rage, and foolish people plot;
Together earthly Kings and rulers stood
against the Lord, against his chosen Christ.”

You knew, O Lord, and know, the mind of man!
His thoughts are ever foolish, even from birth;
for your perfect plan of love he shows disdain.

And still Immanuel came! He chose to shed his blood;
with frail and humble humans he cast his lot —
the First of heaven in place of the lost, and last.

O Lord, you raised the Son of Man from the dead!
The Spirit’s power at work in impotent flesh
now gives a soul a chance to start afresh.