The Lord Raised Up

Just as the moral decline of our culture nosedives, the church is struggling with what some have called “the graying of the flock.”  Today, less than half of our population attends some kind of religious service, down from three-quarters just a short time ago.  God’s people have always struggled not to compromise with the world, and when they did in the time of Judges, God would raise up a deliverer to save them–when they cried out to Him (Judges 3:7-11).

I.  Joshua 14:6-15.  When Joshua was dividing the land, Caleb reminds them that the two of them as good spies many years ago were all that was left of the generation that had come out of slavery in Egypt, and so Joshua gave Caleb Hebron.  Later Caleb gave Othniel his daughter in marriage … and springs.  It is this Othniel that God raises up when the people cry out to Him when they realize their worldliness.

II.  Isaiah 43:3-11.  God alone would be the Savior of His people.  Before (Matthew 1:21) and at (Luke 2:10-11) His birth, Jesus–God in the flesh–was hailed as our Deliverer.  The time and circumstances were right for our salvation (Galatians 4:4-5), and our redemption was accomplished on the cross (Ephesians 2:4-6).  But, in fulfillment of prophecy (Joel 2), we too needed to cry out for it (Acts 2:21).

III.  1 Corinthians 12:18.  So, where will our next deliverers come from who will lead us to Christ?  This is the wrong question as it’s not our job.  God reserves those who will serve Him (1 Kings 19:18) and knows who are His (2 Timothy 2:19).  From the very stones He could raise them up (Luke 3:8) if He wanted to.  He’s arranging the parts of the body where He needs them to be.  Is He raising you up?

It could be He’s arranging you in the place where you are to lead many to Christ.  People are crying out for deliverance all around us.  Will you step up to help them?

As They Did To Me

As the anniversary of 9-11 came around this week, many still want vengeance for what happened to us.  But, is that what we should be seeking?  Both had the Spirit of the Lord, but isn’t it good that Jesus, while on the cross, sought forgiveness rather than vengeance for us like Samson would have done?

I.  Judges 15:1-15.  Back and forth Samson waged war with the Philistines, each seeking vengeance for what he or they perceived the other side had done to him or them.  They literally fought fire with fire, and it all came from worldly thinking: “As they have done to me, so have I done to them.”

II.  Romans 9:20-24.  God’s sole right to vengeance is rooted in His sovereignty.  Since He made everything, everything is His (Colossians 1:16).  Since God has the sole right to reveal His wrath (Romans 12:19), He also has the sole right to bring mercy.  His wrath will be wreaked against those against Him or who don’t know Him (Romans 1:18-21) and those in the church who deliberately sin or shrink back (Hebrews 10:26-31).

III.  Romans 12:14-21.  Since we’ve all sinned (Romans 3:23), we’ve all earned His wrath (Romans 6:23), but He has shown mercy to those in His Son by Jesus’ work on the cross (Romans 8:31-39).  So, rather than waging war as Samson or the world does (2 Corinthians 10:3-5), we who have escaped God’s vengeance by obeying the gospel, persuade men instead and reconcile them to God’s mercy through the gospel (2 Corinthians 5:11-21).

Realizing that you have escaped God’s vengeance through the gospel, do you seek vengeance or mercy for others?

Praise Must Roll from Tongues

Heavenly Father, praise must roll from tongues
And tallest hills, from every rock and tree,
From creatures large and small, from depths and height,
From sea and space, from earth and seventh heaven.

For you, O Lord, the God who made it all,
Are sovereign over matter and murkiest mind,
You know the deepest secrets of sinful man,
Your word creates, your breath dissolves at will.

To you all glory and honor and power belong:
Besides your strength, what moves you is selfless love;
No evil’s in you, and none before you resists,
The good of light is you, and ever will be.

Interactions of creatures and bodies in the universe

You, O God, are sovereign and in complete control of all that exists. Before we ever reached consciousness, you were guiding humanity toward its goal. Before we had the first thought, cried our first tears, laughed the first time, you had seen the full extent of our lifetime. And still you permit us to choose and determine the direction of our lives.

To think of the billions of people who have lived up to this moment is mind-boggling. And to consider all the minute beings and microscopic life forms and the interactions of creatures and bodies in the universe, astounds the imagination.

Not even a fallen sparrow escapes your notice. We are grateful that you watch over us. Your care and kindness lead us to consider our lives and to desire holiness, that we might live now with you, and forever.

Father, help us to make our repentance genuine; our decisions, guided by your wisdom; our faith, based upon the reality of your Being; our transformation, deep and permanent in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.