This day with hope

Father, so many people groups remain to be reached. They live not only in remote corners of the earth, but near us as well, in poor ghettos and rich enclaves, behind walls of their own choosing or imposed upon them, people considered sane and others thought to be crazy, people who suffer great pain or wrongs, others who live in pleasure and luxury. Let us never refrain from speaking and from offering the salvation in Christ that we have come to know.

Let us see this day with hope and expectation. Help us hold on to faith in the flurry of activities, in the whirl of work and demands. Show us the opportunities that lie before us. Give us courage to create moments of openness by our demeanor and speech.

Make us see that in our world we deal with souls who will live forever in heaven or hell, people who were created in your image, individuals with perspectives, opinions, fears, and ambitions. Help us hear and observe to understand, that we might more effectively share the truth of the gospel.

Let the Good News be to us our life. Let us be willing to surrender all for the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us be wholly dependent upon the guidance of your Spirit. Let your love be our most precious possession. Let your presence comfort and encourage us at every step of our journey toward eternity. Amen!