So many options and opportunities

Father, create a climate for your gospel to grow in this place. May government officials allow us to live in peace. Help us to be good citizens. Let our proclamation of Christ to each person have good results and contribute to a more just society. Bless us that we might be a blessing to others.

Father, there is so much to be thankful for, all from your good hand.

  • Thank you for so many options and opportunities.
  • Thank you for wisdom to use our time properly.
  • Thank you for your Spirit who gives us self-control.
  • Thank you for boldness in Christ to show the way through kind and true words.
  • Thank you for like-minded brothers and sisters who live by your will and pray at all times.
  • Thank you for a clear mind, a sound body, a tender soul, a seeking spirit.
  • Thank you for making us participants in the grace of salvation and in the mission of Christ.
  • Thank you for knowledge and wisdom to walk before you in love.
  • Thank you for providing for needs and for making your provisions always available to us.
  • Thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus the Lord who gave himself in our place, for our forgiveness.

Let my tongue be loosed today, so that it may speak of your goodness and love. Father, let the seed of truth bear fruit that remains to eternity.