Act for the kingdom’s cause

Dear God, help me to accept the present and not pine for the past, nor worry about the future. Make me content in this moment. Help me to see how you are fulfilling each need of mine. I trust in you. I will call upon you, confident of answer. I will set my watch for your movement in my direction. You are God who feels compassion for his people. You care for your own. You are the fountain that slakes our thirst.

Build me up in faith, so that I, like those of old, might patiently wait upon the arrival of what I seek. Make me worthy to be included in their midst. Move your Spirit among us. Pursue your plan with us as your instrument of peace. Let the devil not frustrate your will for us. Keep us from temptation and from evil. Let us not return evil for evil, but rather good. Make us light in this world of darkness.

Be present, O Lord, in the small things today, and make them grow by your immense power. Act in this day to bring forward the kingdom’s cause. Let each brother and sister be sensitive to your will, desiring your glory, working for the gospel, rejoicing in the Spirit. So we pray in Christ, Amen.