For quiet of heart

Father, thank you for quiet of heart, for resolve of mind, for strength of will, by your Holy Spirit.

Thank you for opportunity to share your word, to serve my neighbor, to edify your spiritual family.

Thank you for your constant stream of blessings, your expansive hope of life, your presence that expels the evil that would win against us.

Thank you that Jesus has paid our price, that the Spirit goes to bat for us, that you have steadfastly pursued our salvation at every step of history.

No Reluctant Voice

Let me be, O Lord, no reluctant voice,
To speak that all might make the constraining choice,
Of perfect love that in the soul compels
To follow the Christ, to drink from living wells,
To come with courage to your graceful throne—
And, coming, let me never come alone.

Come out from hiding

My life is hidden in Christ, O Lord, and for this protection and security I am grateful. But let me not hide my gifts from you; rather, help me put them into service for your kingdom. Neither let me hide the light of truth, but help me to shine it as brightly as possible in this world of darkness. Continue reading “Come out from hiding”