For self-control I ask

For self-control, O Lord, I ask,
To do the hardest, meanest task,
To reign the vilest passions in,
To be victorious over sin;
A disciplined soul I’d sooner be,
That I of baser loves be free,
For fuller service performed for you,
To be at every moment true;
Make me a man who first gives thought,
That I might do just what I ought,
Before a word is rashly said,
Or steps in darkened ways are tread;
Let self from action disappear,
Your glory be my sole career;
Let Holy Spirit in me lead —
To be a mastered saint I plead.


‘Serious praying’ in 1 Peter 4.7

Mike Brooks shows special interest in two key words in 1 Peter 4.7. He then says,

Prayer is serious business. It is not to be engaged in lightly or carelessly. We are asking for the attention of the almighty ruler of the universe. That is not given negligently.

Be sure to read his whole article on Forthright Magazine: “Serious Praying.” The link also contains a prayer need, in the first two paragraphs.