When Men Believe

The world’s in flux, and populations move,
People are up in arms, the nations rant,
With wealth comes discontent, diminished love —
The earth is full of God, but still men want.

The skies grow dark, the snowy mountains heave,
The planets hang suspended, stars wink out,
The sun conceals its face, and men believe
When Christ appears — before him flees all doubt.

We see, O God, of all these things the end,
Travail and pain, the anguished groanings stop,
All silence reigns, murmurings and moans suspend —
Preserve us, Lord, as we to eternity step.

Source and Center

You, O Lord, are source and center,
Let me in your portals enter;
Walk with me the straight and narrow,
Watch with care your smallest sparrow.

You, O God, are shield and savior,
Rock and tower, loving neighbor;
Life and blessing yours forever,
Faithfulness our long endeavor. Continue reading “Source and Center”

If left up to us

Left up to us, we’d have the Lord Jesus return today, O God. We want to go home. This life hold little interest to us. The glories of heaven are what we desire. To be with you is all we want. To go where there are no tears, no suffering, no death, no darkness — this is our keenest hope.

But we know you have a purpose for our time here, both for our salvation and perfection and for the salvation of others. You are preparing us for that eternal habitation with you. Continue reading “If left up to us”

What virtue in short supply?

What virtue is in short supply, O Lord, if not patience? In the world and in me, we want to see things happening now. And though I desire that even in the kingdom justice and fruit and virtue prevail (“thy kingdom come, thy will be done!”), teach me that you will act in your time and at your pace.

For patience is a lesson learned hard and slow.

Then again, you allow me to be impatient, so to speak, for the coming of my Savior. Our pray continues to be “Maranatha!” Our eyes continue to look upwards for his appearing.

Let us never leave off our desire to hurry up his day.