Kingdoms cause turmoil

My Lord and my God,

The kingdoms of this world cause turmoil.
Man destroys everything he touches.
Corruption produces more corruption.
The poor suffer, the commoners die.

Our hope wavers not.
Our faith still shines brightly.
The power of Christ works mightily.
Save us, Lord, we plead.

We thank you for our peace of heart.
We praise you, Lord Almighty.
Your love is undiminished.
Come for your people, Lord Jesus!

We pray in the Lord. Amen!

That Day

Immersed, I felt pure and clean — prepared
for Jesus’ coming — joyful in your forgiveness —
secure and safe — possessor of all I’d heard;
That Day, O Lord, make me a happy witness!

Awake for Purpose

Another day alive
Awake for purpose
Aware of heart and mind
Deciding, planning, doing
Desiring glory’s touch
Reaching beyond my radius
Humble eyes to ground
Awaiting heaven’s word
Ears attuned to trumpets
Lord Jesus, come — save!

Time Not Short Enough

The sounds of life surround us — babies, dogs,
machines, the singing of birds, the whir of fans,
overhead planes, far-off thunder, groans
of pain and death — these sounds are us, O Lord,
on earth in movement toward the final day.

We strain to hear angelic trumpets, voices
announcing the coming of the sovereign Lord —
a moment’s laughter turned to eternal joy,
the happy cries of birth to heaven’s life,
the ringing welcome into the city’s gates.

Make it so! — Rip the skies apart
and sweep us up, in glorious clouds, to meet
our Savior and leave all woe and heavy care!
Though here we serve at your good pleasure, time
is not short enough by our impatient measure.

The Time of the Devil

The days are dark, the time of the devil;
But the Light will break, the Lord descend,
The blessed truth will blind the unrighteous
And lead the saints to live with God —
Oh, come, Lord Jesus — call us home —
We groan in spirit, the grim existence
On earth is not for us, your people!
Your strength sustain our way, O God —
Your mercy be ours for many days.

This Passing World Holds Nothing

Father in heaven, this passing world holds nothing,
Offers nothing for the child of God:
Remind us always of this evident truth,
Let Satan not deceive nor blind our eyes,
As Eve fell prey and lost the blessed Garden.

Make heaven grow within our weakened sight,
Its many glories in all their shining brilliance;
Raise up our faces to our coming Lord,
Our hearing tuned to the shout of clouded angels,
So worldly voices fail to reach our ears.

The Mountains’ Rocks Are Trembling

The mountains’ rocks are trembling,
Shaken to the roots;
The armies are assembling,
On the ground are boots.

Across the skies are flying
Angels with their swords,
To judge the unchaste defying
Christ, the Lord of lords.

Lord, come to save your children —
Prayers to you ascend;
Come carry up this pilgrim —
Rest without end.

We look for Jesus to return today

Heavenly Father, we look for Jesus to return today, not because today is THE day, but because he could come at any time. We prepare ourselves for him. We desire his coming. We pray you may send him soon. Our salvation will arrive with him.

While we wait, we work. We warn others that they must prepare, also. We offer the message to all who need to hear it. Make our proclamation effective and urgent. Make us feel its urgency and power.

We thank you for this hope. Our lives would have no meaning otherwise. The eternal service makes our work here worthwhile. The heavenly promise makes life here joyful. Where time and tears are no more, where the sea and suffering are banished, there is our desire focused when here our work is finished.

You are to be praised for your eternal purpose in Christ, for your guiding and empowering Spirit, for your saving and faith-building word, for your confirming and edifying church.

Going Be Done

Come, Lord Jesus! And while we remain,
Let peoples and nations hear the news;
To all you sent the church to proclaim,
Let the going be done in my own shoes.

The coming of the Lord

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

John 10:7-11

  1. Jesus came that we might have life: John 10:10.
  2. Jesus came that we might have purpose: John 12:23-27.
  3. Jesus is coming again to take us home: John 14:1-3