Good People, Mostly

Good people, mostly — as men count goodness —
Who see no need to change their lives,
Content to continue on with less,
Averse to change, to conversion to Christ,
With only a form of godliness.

Break through, O Lord, my neighbors’ shell,
For them to see their future is dim;
Save men and women and families from hell,
May light shine brightly to redeem,
To enter the Savior’s citadel.

May they reject their human good,
And measure by your holy name;
Let Scripture be their daily food,
The image of Christ, their principal aim,
To live in faith and gratitude.

At knowledge how shall they arrive?
What power will cause their wills to move?
How then shall truth become alive?
What tongue will tell, that they may prove?
O Lord, to their door drive me.

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The success of the gospel

Lord, thank you for the success of the gospel.

  • For reaching hearts that are searching for truth and purpose.
  • For establishing true community and fellowship among disparate people.
  • For breaking down barriers that the world and sin have raised.
  • For giving a spiritual family to those who have none, or whose natural family is dysfunctional.
  • For creating hope in the hearts of those who have no future.
  • For empowering the weak to change and be transformed.
  • For folding every rescued soul into the mission of saving others.

The Eternal God of Tender Touch

Glory undimmed and growing splendor
Not time nor man nor demons diminish;
Creation in its precision proclaims
The eternal God of tender touch
And sovereign judgment. Save us, Lord!
Your hand has power, the heavens rejoice,
And we desire the world beyond,
Where pain and tears and pining death
Are banished, where streets are bathed in joy.

Lord, You Know

Lord, you know who needs the gospel truth,
To free them from the chains of Satan’s lies,
To live in perfect peace and certain hope,
To receive that purest love that never fails.

May I, O God, on hearing your surest word,
Know too who stands without the cleansing blood;
Give to your humble servant the courage of love
To speak the only message that saves the sinner.

Bring them back

Jas 5.19-20

  1. Spiritual objective: our purpose is to bring forgiveness of sins and salvation from eternal death.
  2. Community objective: the responsibility belongs to all.
  3. Optimistic objective: restoration can happen.

Love Me

Save me, Lord, for I am weak,
Love me with your love undying,
Satisfy me with all I seek,
My deepest need in Christ supplying.

Cast me, Lord, your single net,
Use me for a soul’s salvation;
Honor my tears and blood and sweat,
To build on Christ’s secure foundation.

God of all

God of all satisfaction, we don’t even know what we want. Let us find our true desire in you and the fulfillment of every need in your presence. Let our contentment be the guide to others who live in daily frustration.

God of all grace, thank you that your salvation has reached us. Use us so that this grace reaches all people. Continue reading “God of all”

The essence of the gospel

  1. Salvation, 1 Tim 4.16. Jesus saved man by his death; man saves himself and others by teaching about Jesus.
  2. Suffering, Col 1.24. Jesus suffered for man, and man suffers for his gospel.
  3. Sanctification, Jn 17.19. Jesus sanctified himself that he might sanctify his followers.
  4. Service, Mt 20.25-28. Jesus served man by giving his life as a ransom, and his people serve God and others by giving their lives for the gospel.
  5. Simplicity, Jn 14.28-31. Jesus gives us his peace, his promise, his power, his proof of love in obedience—this is all we need in order to rise and go.

We Confess the Armies’ Leader

God Almighty, only true and living
God, the Lord above all lords, forgiving,
Loving, moving sea and earth and heaven,
Power on high, restores the Garden of Eden.

Praising, we confess the armies’ Leader,
Angels marching, serving the believer,
Forces pressing, ever are they winning,
Spiritual strength to keep the saints from sinning.

Throne of glory, hear our supplication:
Rally to your people, save your nation;
Make us stand with firmest perseverance,
Faithful, waiting for the Son’s appearance.