Beyond My Ken

O God who gives beyond our needs:

What time and cost we spend on non-essentials!
With bread and drink let us be content,
With simple clothes to cover us.
Keep us from worry over the vanities of life,
Over things beyond our control.

I strive, O Lord, not to occupy myself
With things that are beyond my ken,
Nor do I have great aspirations.
Keep me from pride and arrogance,
O God who is exalted above all.

I humble myself before your throne;
The Kingdom and the power and the glory
Belong to you, and in your hand
Are the fortunes and destinies of all man.
In your care I am content.

To attain the marvelous goal of faith —
Salvation for my soul — and to help
Another reach it as well, by example
And teaching, is the greatest work of all.
Protect me, O Father, to reach your glory.

Come save us!

Our heavenly Father,
Come save us!
Come transform us!
Come fill us!
Come live in us!

Glorify yourself in us,
Fulfill your will in us,
Go forward with your mission in us,
Find your joy in us.

God almighty,
Protect your people,
Preserve your people,
Make your people grow,
Carry your people to heaven.

Save us from the evil one

Heavenly Father, save us from the evil one. Save us for your presence and blessing. Save us in the name of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Save us with your raised hand and mighty arm.

Protect your people from temptation. Protect your church to do all your will. Protect your chosen ones that they might live in holiness and generosity. Protect your children for your glory in them.

Bless our loved ones with knowledge and devotion. Bless all that they might seek you in love and truth. Bless our friends and families in order to make them prepared for that Day.

Give me wisdom. Give me power. Give me humility. Give me healing. Give me your Spirit. Use me for your glory. Be my all and fullness.

  • Say this prayer and say amen.
  • Publish this prayer in your congregation’s bulletin or newsletter.
  • Say this prayer in your congregation’s meeting.
  • Share the link to this prayer in social media.
  • Send the link to this prayer in an email to your contacts.

This, I know, is grace

Thank you, Eternal Father, for each precious gift you give — life itself and all that is necessary to sustain it.

The most precious of all, of course, is that of eternal salvation. In comparison, this present life is less than a drop of water in all the oceans of earth.

And everything else besides eternal life is icing on the cake. If the present is sweet, what must heaven be like?

How is it that I was blessed with all this, when so many go wanting? How was I shown the path to freedom when billions are enslaved by sin?

This, I know, is grace, and I am humbled before you.

You deserve all praise and glory for your wisdom.

For Whom Did I Forget to Pray?

O Savior of all mankind, of those
Who believe — for whom did I forget
To pray? What grace no longer flows,
What soul with sin is still beset

For lack of time upon my knees?
You called to faith, from far and near,
To heaven’s door with Kingdom keys,
With prayer we seek to make the Way clear.

Send me, O Lord, for here am I!
And send more workers to fertile fields!
Fling out the seed both low and high —
Alone you know what sowing yields.

Our Father in heaven, on you we call,
Requesting hearts both calm and brave,
To speak to the lost — one and all —
The searching soul to find and save.

O Lord, I’d Win a World for You

O Lord, I’d win a world for you,
Make millions hear the message of truth,
Throw mountains into the midst of the sea,
Grow churches where hearts are changed forever!

But where’s the path to greater things?
I’ve toiled with sweat and tears and blood.
I’ve fought in battle with Satan himself.
So few have faith! Where have I failed?

O Lord, keep me from looking for fruit,
But watch the sowing in every soil.
Give patience to walk the path of service,
O Savior who brings the season of harvest!

Ten requests to God in prayer

  1. Blanket your people with peace, O Lord, that we may live in quiet submission and glad thanksgiving.
  2. Remove from us those earthly and material things upon which we rely, so that we might depend wholly upon your grace and power.
  3. Bring us low in humility, as Jesus himself humbled himself, in order to be useful to the Kingdom.
  4. Jolt us from our comfortable routines and throw us out into the world of need.
  5. Fix before our eyes the single task of proclaiming Christ to a condemned mankind.
  6. Stir up our zeal for the truth of the gospel that we might know the Scriptures and guard your word in our hearts.
  7. Steer us away from sin and produce in us the holiness that permits us to see your face.
  8. Pour out your Spirit into our hearts that we might produce that holy and righteous fruit of all good things.
  9. Swell the ranks of reapers in the field of salvation, so that those who are ready to hear might have a message to respond to.
  10. Expose the lies of the evil one, so that the God who does not lie might be seen as the Savior and Sovereign of all.

The Evil Slippery Slope

The gospel brings salvation for mankind,
The only power to save the maimed and blind;
O Lord, keep me from ever feeling shame,
But always offer to all the blessed Name.

For saving grace obedient faith’s required;
By Christ confessed is righteousness acquired.
In him, O God, resides my glorious hope —
Preserve me from the evil slippery slope.

Pour Out Your Blessing

Pour out your blessing, Lord of light,
Lord of sight, Lord of sound,
Pour out your Spirit, full of might,
Full of power where gifts abound.

Pour out this soul, a life to give,
A life to live, a life to serve;
Pour out your servant, his work receive,
A sacrifice without reserve.

Pour out, O God, upon this earth,
The word to save, the word of love;
Bring forth for many a spiritual birth,
That all to heaven might soon remove.

Make Me a Man

Make me, O Lord, a man of God complete,
Help me today the prince of death defeat!

Rouse up the righteous powers of early morn,
In this frail heart lift high your mighty horn.

Come near to me your word, that I might hear,
To obey your precious law and tremble in fear.

May perfect love as yours with sun and rain,
Shower down upon my fellow man, constrain

The carnal mind with Christ, and every thought
Take captive! For pardon, flowing blood has sought,

Before the world began, a soul to redeem,
A perishing life to dip in a cleansing stream.

Make me, O God, for life, be unafraid,
A pure and useful vessel with power to persuade.