Deep fear of you

Awesome God, awaken in us that deep fear of you which recognizes your majestic Person, seeks the pure holiness of righteousness and love, and draws upon your unbroken promises to step firmly toward the future. Let reverence for your Oneness keep us from taking your love for granted. Your judgments are perfect, O Lord! Remind us that sin will be thrown into the lake of everlasting fire. We fear you as him who can destroy both body and soul. And we rejoice that true fear draws us near to you, rather than making us shrink back from your manifestation. Such is your purpose, and in it we glory.

Prying Sours

Walls make for good neighbors, and it’s true:
To know what and where is theirs and ours,
As lines are useful in the traffic lane,
To separate the space for trucks and cars.
Let me respect, O Lord, the private domain
Of others’ lives—keep me from prying which sours
A friendship—let Christ’s perfection be my view.

Each day I desire you more

I seek your face, O Lord, above all else. No good in the world is so great as your presence. Nothing is so precious as the hope you give us. Each day I desire you more. I pursue your wisdom as others devote themselves fully to riches or power.

I fear you and love you in all things. It hurts my ears to hear others use your name in vain. But let me eschew lack of respect by obeying the Lord Jesus in all that he has commanded. Continue reading “Each day I desire you more”