No Miracle in a Tube

None can help but God — to you I turn,
O Lord, for rescue. No miracle in a tube,
No counselor’s couch, no exercise or drug
Removes my fears or eases my troubled mind,
But only trust in you. I cannot climb
Or raise myself, in me no power nor strength.
Give life, O Lord, and raise me up from death.

To Breathe Is Pain

The soul is barren, Lord, and all around is desert sand,
Relief is far away, no one to help or lend a hand,
To breathe is pain, to move or think requires tremendous force,
I have no power within, no means to seek another source.

Come save me, O Almighty! Reach me by your mighty arm!
Come quickly, many are they of Satan’s horde to do me harm!
Come rescue me — dying in the dark and bottomless pit!
Until redeemed, for love and life and work I’m most unfit.
