What can keep us from God

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Psalm 70:5

  1. Pride keeps us from God (Psalm 10:4; Proverbs 16:18).
  2. Possessions can keep us from God (Luke 18:18ff).
  3. Arrogance can keep us from God (James 4:13-16).
  4. What can bring us closer to God?
    • Psalm 70:5 “I am poor and needy.”
    • Matthew 18:3-4 Become as little children.
    • Psalm 51:17 “Poor, contrite heart.”
    • Isaiah 66:2 God can save the humble.

The Hearing and Speaking of Our Communion

O God, I need you! Every hour and day, in every way!
Nothing, no one, can replace your presence in my life!
Keep schemes of Satan from crowding out the word of Spirit’s truth,
Or times of prayer — oh, needed season of prayer! — to praise and seek
Your blessed, holy face — encroaching thieves of precious time;
Lord, help me guard with care the hearing and speaking of our communion.
And let this conversation color every act and word,
That others may note that I have been with Jesus, my Lord and God!


All of who we are

What can we say, O God, that you do not already know? What thoughts or feelings can we put into words that you did not already discern within us?

Yet this process of prayer is for our mutual satisfaction, and for the realization of your will, and for the completion of your purpose, yes, for the development of our love together. Continue reading “All of who we are”