Why Me?

To you all praise for your marvelous plan,
Such love that saves the spirit of man,
Of whom am I a humble one! —
To be lost forever you want none.

Why me? So many ask about
Their suffering — here I have no doubt.
I ask, Why me? as a thankful soul,
Since cleansing Blood has made me whole.

Why did the Gospel reach my ear,
With billions who have yet to hear?
What act of grace reached down to me
That set this simple creature free?

How was I chosen by Mercy’s hand,
So that I now in your presence stand?
Why me, O Lord, by what Decision
Plucked me from death in the great Division?

Such thoughts for me are much too great,
But praise I give for the narrow gate.
The answer to why, O Father, I know:
To the world with Jesus I must go.

Please share this prayer with your friends.

Alone and Spurned

Rejection, Lord, is painful.
I want to be accepted
by everyone.
But some turn away
with a single look,
And others listen briefly,
then close their ears,
and show their backs.
How far can I go
to win their love?
Does changing to please mean
that I cease to remain myself?
Alone and spurned is a hard
road to walk.
Does Jesus understand?