Your Eyes on Earth

2 Chronicles 16.9

In cutting grief, you give me comfort;
In weakness, I have wonderful strength.
When troubles assault me, you bring salvation;
For hurt, you offer hope of heaven.

O Sovereign Lord, I lack for nothing—
When I look up, your hand is full.
Your eyes on earth are eager to help
Those saints whose hearts are wholly devout.

But foolish men refuse your power—
They seek their own success at war.
When armies attack, on you I call;
When trials befall, in you I trust.

Why are you sad?

Luke 24.13-17

  1. When Jesus conquered death?
  2. When God works providentially in your life?
  3. When God has made forgiveness available to you?

—Bobby Cloyd, Keltonburg TN congregation

We trust and wait

Heavenly Father, in your providence we see your love. We feel surrounded by it, because we know that you always act in our good interest and for the progress of the kingdom. Your hand orders all things with wisdom.

Often, we do not understand your ways of working in this world. We trust and wait in confidence to see the outcome of your working. Continue reading “We trust and wait”

Catching chickens and stealing bases

If you are a baseball fan the name Ricky Henderson is synonymous with “base stealing.” Henderson was so good at stealing bases that he reportedly would tell catchers, “If you don’t give me a pitch to hit, I’m going to end up on third base.” Translation: “If you walk me, I’ll steal second and third base.” In Henderson’s 25-year baseball career, he set major league records in unintentional walks, stolen bases, and runs scored.

Henderson was fast—real fast. But what is interesting is how he got so fast. Henderson tells how he lived in Arkansas as a little boy with his grandmother on a farm. He says that in those days “we had to catch a chicken to be able to eat a chicken.” Obviously, Henderson’s speed was partially God-given, but it also was improved through difficulty and hard work. The moral is, when life seems common-place, complex or confusing, God’s providence might just be training you for an opportunity to do something great later.

—Jason Moon, Waterview congregatrion, Richardson TX

I will not fear nor fret

Only because of your mercy are we alive, O Holy One.

Your people forget your awesome deeds and complain that their needs aren’t being met. Yet you are patient.

Be patient with me still, O Sovereign God. Teach me to wait upon you.

I trust you for every need. I will not fear nor fret. I may not know how or when, but you will provide at the right time in ways that we can never dream about. Continue reading “I will not fear nor fret”