
Proverbs 17.3

Dear God, a man may refine metal to remove its impurities and get the best use from it, but only you can prove the heart and purify a man for your divine purpose.

I want to be that man. Into your hands I deliver my soul. Purify me that I might be useful to the Kingdom. The pain is not pleasant, O Father; I shrink from suffering, but like my Lord Jesus, I desire your will to be done in my life.

Thank you for your benevolent purpose to produce good in me and through me. May many praise you. I glorify your name. I pray as a follower of Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Strong Tower

Proverbs 18.10, 12

Your name, O Lord, to us is a strong tower,
In you we find protection, peace, and power.
The righteous run to you to be secure.
When danger falls, of you we can be sure.

The present world is full of hateful harm,
Rise up, O God, to save us by your arm;
Our honor is to know our humble need,
The Christ as Lord and Savior is our creed.

The vicious hordes of sin would hunt us down,
The flood of willful evil would make us drown.
By our own strength we cannot win this war.
We cry, O Lord — open the Kingdom’s door!

Read the book, Choose! 13 Choices to Transform Your Heart and Soul.

Remove all bitterness from our hearts

Proverbs 14

Heavenly Father, keep us away from the path which seems right but leads to death. We want to follow the way which is truly good.

Enlighten us that we might not believe everything we hear. On the other hand, let us not be jaded, refusing to put our faith in truth and in forgiveness.

We fear you and want to walk in righteousness. Steer our feet away from deceitful steps.

Thank you for the Lord Jesus who took upon himself our guilt. We are grateful for the joy we share in your Spirit. Remove all bitterness from our hearts. Let our laughter not hide sadness from suffering.

Restrain our tongues and hands from acting on impulse. Free us from being irritated at small things. Save us from slyness and smugness.

You as Creator made all people and treat them equally. Close our eyes to what people possess when we deal with them.

Wise or Unwise?

By John Henson, McMinnville TN

Proverbs 20:1-7

  1. The intoxicated are unwise (verse 1).
  2. A provoked fool is unwise (verses 2-3).
  3. The sluggard (lazy) is unwise (verse 4).
  4. The deliberate, righteous one is wise (verses 5-7).