The humility of Jesus humbles me

Psalm 131; Philippians 2

Heavenly Father, the humility of the Lord Jesus humbles me. His condescension to low estate flattens me. He was willing to descend to earth, to take on our nature, to live a common life, to experience all of human thought, emotion, and suffering. All the while, we seek to become someone important. Using education, wealth, associations, position, or talents, we strive to rise in the opinion of others.

Father, I renounce all these attempts. I repent of my self-importance. I seek my worth and value in you. Let me be content to occupy the seat of the least of your family.

Let not my heart be proud. Keep me from the haughty look. Trim back my great aspirations. Let me not concern myself with subjects that are beyond my comprehension. Help me to be content with what you have revealed.

Make me composed and quiet, like a young child carried by its mother. Let my hope and aspiration be centered in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


By pride and high desires we’re trapped,
By passion for self our life is sapped;
May we from useless struggles cease,
From vanity’s fire may God release!

The great destroyer of pride

You, oh Lord, are the great destroyer of pride, that beast which never seems to die.

The God of gods, you bring man down to the dust.

You desire that your creature desire you.

You seek to bless, and we bless your name for seeking us to bring light to our darkness.

No one can perform the wonders that you accomplish.  You are all we need. Cause us to make you the only desire of our heart.