Far from your presence

Nothing surpasses having a clean heart, O God, so that we may come near to you. Far from your presence, we chase after love in endless pursuit and constant frustration. Let us turn to you in full confidence of faith, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, that the Spirit transforms us into the divine image, and that you work in us and through us and for us for your eternal glory. Continue reading “Far from your presence”

In your presence

Above all things, O Lord, let us rejoice in your presence. Let our hearts love you and let our mouths proclaim you. Let our souls hunger for you and let our whole being desire you; until we are one with you, for you are God, blessed for ever. Amen.

—Anselm of Canterbury (c.1033-1109) (From Prayer of the Day)

The worst that can be said about a man

The worst that can be said about a man is that he’s godless, that you, my Lord, are absent from his life. Let it never be true of me.

Let nothing separate me from your presence. Let no one come between us. Let no love edge you out from my heart.

I wish to walk in your sight and please you in all things, to know your goodness and justice and mercy. I wish to be welcomed on that final day into the gates of heaven.

Keep me safe in your hand, O Lord, under the shadow of your wing. My weakness frightens me, but your strength steels me against the howling winds of worldliness.
