One necessary presence

Heavenly Father, we miss many people in our lives who have either passed away or who have moved physically or emotionally. For some of them we grieve. Their loss pains us deeply. We feel empty because of their absence. Their presence brought us joy, security, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Their love and friendship meant so much to us.

We understand that as important as these people were to us, none of them was a necessary presence. Only your presence in our lives is an absolute necessity, for we were made for your love and fellowship.

We know you understand our feelings about our loved ones. We know that their presence in our lives was a gift from you. You made us a part of a family, a circle of friends, a community. We are thankful that you give us love through others and surround us with people who care.

Above all, we thank you for your presence with us. Help us not to neglect our relationship with you. May we cherish it above all others. And may we be willing to give up any other to preserve it.

Because we know that we have in our lives only one necessary presence—yours.

O Savior, Come to Us

Eternal God, Lord over all, the One
To whom we owe both life and breath,
Reveal your love to us in the Son,
To know its height and width and depth.

O Savior, come to us, abide
In mercy with your humble creatures;
Your words of power our surest guide,
Your many works our able teachers.

For us your presence is all we need,
Our only good and pure delight;
Upon your healthy grace we feed,
To keep our holy Lord in sight.

The Lonely Soul

The lonely soul, O Lord, has none
of your glorious Self, or else is blind
to Nearness.

Make us see the One who came
from Heaven and works among us still
in power.

Make us hear his call to love,
to seek the lonely as he himself
is seeking.

The wonders of the gospel

Lord of love and life, we thank you for another day to serve and learn. Let us forget ourselves in order to occupy ourselves with your glory and with our neighbor’s need.

Turn our attention to the wonders of the gospel, both for our own benefit and growth, as well as for those who have not yet heard the truth.

Fill our hearts with grace, and satisfy us with your presence.

Prayer for devotional writers

Lord God who has given us your inspired Scripture, bless those writers among us who produce regular devotionals, so that they may be:

  1. Biblical. Let Scripture truly come to light as we read. Keep them from using verses or phrases out of context in order to make their own personal points.
  2. Pertinent. Let their words be relevant. Help them to reach people where they are, to deal with situations and questions they face.
  3. Meaty. It’s hard to be concise without being superficial. Help them to share truths that are significant and sustaining.

Thank you for the service they provide in developing our spirituality, in urging us to greater communion with you, and in leading us to serve and love others.

Heap Your Hottest Coals

By J. Randal Matheny © 2016

Oh, God above, look down upon us,
Have mercy on our suffering souls;
We seek your presence, come redeem us,
With kindness heap your hottest coals.

Our God of mercy, work your wonders,
Melt our dross and sin away,
Mold us, Lord of light and thunders,
Your rod of pain to shape this clay.

Great God who stirs the ocean’s depths,
Whose holiness corrects each wrong,
Who shares with all your thousand strengths —
For lifelong battle make us strong.

With Me Most

Lord God, I want to stay,
Be close to you, enjoy
communion in your presence.
But I trust what you say
That you are with me most
When out to preach I’m going.

When everything seems up in the air

Your will, heavenly Father, is good and holy and pleasant and brings great blessing to all who submit to it. What a joy to know and do your bidding!

Forgive my shortcomings, cleanse me from my failures, let my sins be washed by the blood of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Perfect me by your grace, make my obedience complete in Christ, strengthen every good resolve and make me able for every good work by your Spirit. Continue reading “When everything seems up in the air”