From Deep Within

From deep within we open our lives,
O God, that you might enter and dwell;
As Lord who calms the winds and waves,
May you our fears and worries quell.

Now Emptied

O Spirit of God, revive me — live in me —
From sin and guilt and passion set me free.

Messiah, Savior, Master, lead me forth —
May every day I understand your worth.

Creator, Father, Sovereign, come abide —
Fill with love this heart now emptied of pride.

Trees without wind

As trees are still without wind, we, O Father, cannot move without your Spirit. Enliven us today to live and move and speak because you are present in us, around us, and through us.

We seek you and desire you. We know that you are the reason for our existence. Live among us and within us, in truth and love. Forgive us, O Lord, that we might be your holy people.

Many distant sounds, such as the hum of an airplane high above us, barely register in our hearing. But your Word is near to us. We want to hear it clearly. We worship you and your revelation of yourself and of your plan for us. Praise for your Son in whom is seen your glory and grace!


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Energy and motivation today

Father of your people, thank you for bringing us to life. Give us energy and motivation today to serve with love and kindness.

Prepare me for that great day in heaven.

Give me ever greater assurance of salvation and of your existence, of your nature to reward the one who seeks you.

Help me live in holiness and fear of you.

Thank you for the blessings of the morning, for the lovingkindess of the day, for the peace and contentment of the evening.

Make your presence known.

Yours is the praise, the honor, and glory now and forever.

God of Lights and Souls

God of lights and souls,
lift us up to heaven,
raise us by your Spirit,
liven us for your presence,
give us peace within,
joy that bubbles over,
purpose of life and action.

Lord of man and beast,
look upon your people,
save us in your mercy,
shelter us in your shadow,
bless and make us blameless,
yours are power and glory,
ever and ever, amen.

From Quaking Mountain and Sea

O Lord of earth and heaven, hear us!
Let love revive and service move us.
From quaking mountain and sea, come near us!
From grace let Satan not remove us.

Our Christ is King of kings, we praise him!
Disciples mustn’t deny or betray him.
No evil force detains or delays him!
We trust, confess and daily obey him.

Your word has life, Lord, let us read it!
Where the Holy Spirit lives, we’d know it.
Our hunger for justice, O God, come feed it!
You’re faithful and true, to the righteous show it.

In search of your glory

Often, Lord, I ask for your blessings in my life or in the life of another. And you approve of this. Jesus taught us to ask. I know I should do it more even than I do.

But today I come with a different purpose. Paul told the Corinthians that he did not seek theirs (their possessions), but them (meaning their salvation). I come before you today, not in search of something from you, but you yourself, your presence, your glory.

You did not rebuke Moses when he wanted to see your glory. Perhaps it was because he was a special man in your plan of redemption. Your answered his request in a way that took into account human frailty.

I do not ask for a miracle. Neither am I asking to be whisked up to the third heaven. How you might answer this request only you can know. Maybe by giving me a new insight into Scripture, about the Lord Jesus Christ, who brought your glory into this world.

In every way and at all times, O God, may you be glorified in me and may your will be done in my life.

Defend us in your glory

Be with us, O Lord, that you may defend us in your glory.
Be among us, that you may receive us.
Be around us, that you may preserve us.
Go before us, that you may lead us.
Be on our side, that you may intercede for us.
Be above us in all things, that you may bless us.
Summon us to your Kingdom
Where you live and reign forever.

—Alcuin, in D. Dale, A Mind Intent on God, 5

I need you near

When I begin my day, dear God, I need you near, to protect me from temptation, to give me power and focus, to remind me of your love, to show me the opportunities that come before me.

When I reach the half-way point of my day, heavenly Father, I need you near, to give me strength to carry through, to remain clear in my thoughts and plans, to avoid distractions from what is most important.

When I come to the end of the day, O Sovereign One, I need you near, to assure me that failures can serve the kingdom, to deliver the day’s activities in your hand, to thank for blessings and joys received, to give me rest.

I need you near, my Savior, at every hour, at every trial, at every challenge, at every celebration of success. For you, and only you, can give me meaning and life and hope. Stay near me, always, Lord and Friend.

The life of man

You, O God, are life itself, having existed before all things, the God who was, and is, and ever will be. Into man’s nostrils you breathed the breath of life, a breath meant to enliven forever. We cut ourselves off from you and lost the tree of life. But through the Lord Jesus Christ that life has been restored. Our inheritance is eternal life with you. Life is more than awareness—it is walking and living and breathing in your presence. So let us be ever more conscious of your reality, of your power, of your goodness, of your Self who defines and transforms and equips us for your your fellowship.

For all that people talk of quality of life, they have no idea that it means knowing and loving you. The body can be in top shape, the bank account can be overflowing, but without openness to your love, willingness to bask in your glory, there is no quality, no joy, no meaning. Let us make ourselves increasingly fit for relationship in your fullness.

Let us also develop in ourselves those signs of spiritual life, basic as they are, essential in their exercise: the Word, prayer, fellowship with the saints, movement in service and mission. Let our day jobs be seen as opportunities to touch others. Let our small tasks and to-do lists become channels to let our lights shine that you may be glorified. Let our interactions with others be chances to bless.

Remind us constantly that life is not a series of cheap thrills, but the deep and often unspoken experience of every breath, thought, motive, action, word, and motion wrapped in your Spirit.