Longing for your presence

Dear God who cares for your creation,
Look down upon us with compassion.
See our need and save our spirits.
Open our eyes to what’s important.

Our hearts are longing for your presence.
Help us change what dims our view
Of your good will and certain promise.
Today be with our souls. Amen.

The God who Is Present

Our Father in Heaven,

You are the God who is present among his people,
Who walks among the faithful and makes them strong;
You give them direction and purpose, and love above all.
In them you breathe life everlasting and joy eternal.

We pause in this moment of prayer and deep reflection,
To remember that you are with us every moment,
We know you’ll never abandon your faithful children,
Our spirits rejoice in your care with great rejoicing.

O Savior of mankind! How often do I forget
That I do not control my life or my future,
So little power I hold over events that happen!
To you I deliver my spirit, my body, my soul.

What freedom, my God, to surrender all control!
The world is set for destruction and lives are at stake;
Already the nations are shaking, the mountains are trembling,
But always will I trust in you, my Shepherd.

For Jesus is my Lord, Amen.


Whom do I have in heaven but you?
On earth there is no one I desire but you.
Psalm 73.25.

Presence. Glory. Hallowed Name.
To us great Truth these all proclaim.
We seek you, Lord, even unaware,
That our pursuit is your acclaim.
Yes, you, not things, must be our prayer.
On earth can I but you desire.
For life only you do I require.

Where Must We Start?

Where must we start if not with praise
and gratitude for all good gifts
and all good saints whose faith,
strong motivation, work of love,
and patience in hope, show their election
as your chosen people? God are you,
the Father of all who answer your call,
of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,
the true and living God, who raised
your Son from death and liberates
from coming wrath. Like Paul’s long sentence
in Ephesians One — he cannot stop,
but lists your many benefits,
all spiritual blessings in Christ the Lord —
we, too, go on and on, remembering
your mercy renewed every morning.
Dear God of heaven and earth, who looks
upon his people from glory’s throne —
again this day send down your kindness:
redeem, restore, enlighten, refresh.
Your power we need, your deep compassion,
your very presence is our desire;
with you we find contented peace,
eternal purpose in every hour,
unquenchable joy in deepest pain.
We turn to you, Creator of stars
and molecules, of body and soul —
all else we gladly leave behind.

Your Gentle Breeze

Come to me a word, O Lord,
a word of faith and love and power,
to lift me up and place me high
upon a safe and solid place.

You see my zeal for You, O Lord,
as God who leads the hosts of heavens —
your hunted servant nearly dead,
among a people who spurn your Name.

They turned their backs upon the covenant,
refused to obey, and served false gods;
Their worship’s vain, by man’s traditions,
they seek to silence and maim your servants. Continue reading “Your Gentle Breeze”

In Charge

Words are not sufficient
to express my gratitude
for patience on your part
toward slow decisions to change.

I give you thanks, O Lord,
for powers I’ve never known,
and ask that thorns of weakness
be gone, and in their place,
a strength of mind and heart.
Three times and more I’ve pleaded,
desiring to overcome,
but met with heavenly silence.

Yes, grace, I know, is mine,
sufficient to the task,
but I’d prefer, if possible,
another path to victory.
Can I not choose my struggles?
I did not ask for these!

To you, O God, I render
all claims of being in charge.
To you, my will, my life,
my future, is in your hands.

Give peace in fiercest battles,
calm in troubled waters.
Be present, O my Father.

To Begin and End with You

To begin and end with you
Is all a man could dream of.
The dawn of each new day
Brings copious gifts from heaven;
To offer a prayer of thanks,
That dissident act of courage.
Provide, O Lord, each need
Of your obedient people.
What joy to speak at your feet,
The Sovereign God of powers!
Come bless your humble servant
With naught but nearest presence.

All Our Aim

Beloved Lord and God who saves,
Jesus’ blood’s our only claim —
We cannot purify ourselves,
We run to bless his holy Name.

Draw near to you, our greater goal,
To hear the words, “Well done, my child!”
We seek you with our life and soul,
In Christ redeemed and reconciled.

Your powerful presence, nothing more,
Is all our aim and pure desire;
To enter in at heaven’s door,
To feel the Holy Spirit’s fire.

Your strength to put away all sin,
We need the gospel’s sure defense —
Let suffering in the Lord begin!
The battle for the prize commence!

Begin and end well

Father, help me begin well this day and end well.

Let my mind lead every step with good and positive thoughts, and with plans to do your will.

Show me where the good is to be found. Make me understand exactly what the nature of good is.

May every person who lives, moves, and breathes be the focus of salvation today, as I seek to offer a message of hope.

Bless my family of faith, that each one may grow in certainty of your presence and in usefulness to the kingdom.

May each task that comes before me today be done with cheerfulness and dedication, knowing as I do that you turn a saint’s hand to impact eternity.

Father, help me be aware each moment of this day that you are working in my life.

What is the prayer that I should pray?

What is the prayer that I should pray
To overcome and know your way?
For I am weak — this I confess —
I trust my wisdom less and less.
Yours is the Kingdom, glory and power;
Your precepts save me every hour.
Your love and goodness daily cheer me;
My constant need: Lord, come be near me.