New Editor

J. Randal Matheny indeed has a long reach to stretch from Brazil to snowy northern New York State along the Canadian border to twist my arm to sit in the editorial chair for  Knowing the challenges of small church ministry as I am now in my twentieth year with the Plattsburgh Church of Christ, I hope to make sermonlines a true preachers-helping-preachers site, where we create an encouraging and biblical repository for the exchanging of ideas to build the Kingdom.  Like those free lending libraries that are popping up everywhere, leave an idea or take an idea to promote the gospel locally and around the world.

God bless, Douglas Kashorek

Outline: Preaching about sex

Matthew Morine published a lengthy outline on his website that deals with how to preach about sex.

He deals with “The tension of a sexual culture,” “The tension of a sacred church,” and “The tension of intertexuality.”

Consult the outline here.

The work of a preacher

By Ron Thomas, Highway congregation, Sullivan IL

1. The message of the preacher, 2 Timothy 4.1-5

2. The purpose of his preaching, Colossians 1.24-29

3. The exemplar of the preacher, Acts 18.1-6