
I have been dependent on you since birth;
from the time I came out of my mother’s womb you have been my God.
Psalm 22.10 NET

My Shepherd, danger nears — to you I flee.
You’ve led me every step, at every turn;
Dependence is the sweetest word for me.
You’ve always been my God since I was born.
You welcome prayers — your serving angels descend.
There’s still so much to know, so much to learn:
Establish me in truth, until the end.

We will not go back


Keep all idolatry far from us, true and living God, that we may serve you alone.

Let us not bow to pressure from anyone to compromise our faith in you.

Let us bear the consequences of our commitment with joy for suffering for the Name.

Be glorified in us.

Whether you save us now or at the end, let us refuse to worship any other god.

For we belong to you, and we will not go back.

Harvest of souls

Heavenly Father, like Simon who put his boat at Jesus’ disposal to teach those upon the shore, I put both me and mine in your hands, for the use of the kingdom.

And like the miraculous net of fish which our Lord gave in return for that surrender, bring to your people today a harvest of souls.