Let love of Christ touch all we do,
And every act by faith be bound;
Let joy proclaim our gratitude,
And gospel shoes with hope be crowned. Continue reading “The Prayer of Light and Zeal”
Prayer for readers, friends, and coworkers
Please read this prayer on our sponsor site, GoSpeak, for our readers, friends, and coworkers. We’re grateful you have been with us at some point during 2014.
For lonely people
Father, for those lonely people who feel most alone during holidays, bless them with companionship and friendship, especially through the family of Christ. Continue reading “For lonely people”
Slay the beast of selfishness
Slay the beast of selfishness, of ire,
of bitter heart and sour attitude;
Bring forth by written word the fruitful tree
of joy, abundant life, of gratitude.
Let eyes see only good, O God, from you,
as steps move ever forward, and faith expands,
as we receive all grace from gracious hands,
and find in Christ a task that all can do. Continue reading “Slay the beast of selfishness”
A greater God
A greater God you are
Than all our small concerns;
Your hand is bigger far
Than all our mental turns.
Look down upon our mound
Of selfish thoughts and toys;
Do our complaints astound
Your heart, our groans and ploys? Continue reading “A greater God”
The writing’s on the wall
The writing’s on the wall,
The coming of the Savior
Will cause iniquity’s fall
And end godless behavior. Continue reading “The writing’s on the wall”
From the tiniest atom to the most expansive galaxy
Father of spirits, you deserve all praise and glory for your wisdom and power, for your wondrous acts of creation, for the universe which operates according to your command.
From the tiniest atom to the most expansive galaxy, your intricate plan becomes clear. You have left nothing to chance. You care for humankind in remote space, in the ground beneath his feet, in the waters teeming with life. Continue reading “From the tiniest atom to the most expansive galaxy”
Time and eternity
Today, my Father, make me live,
That I might freely serve and give;
Of every moment make me aware,
To deeply breathe the morning air;
Let not an hour of time pass by
That I don’t see the powers on high;
Of weeks and years let me yet dream,
Both present and future, help me redeem;
But, more than seconds on the clock,
Of eternal ages may I take stock.
We get tired
Father, we get tired. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Times are, we’d just like to lay down, give it up, and not get up again.
The heavy weights of life grind us down.
The heartaches, one after another, leave us numb. Continue reading “We get tired”
Let our fear of you lead us
Let our fear of you, O Lord, lead us to draw near rather than shrink back. Keep us from treating you with lack of reverence. May your holiness pull us to you as we recognize your power and might and understand that you alone are God. Continue reading “Let our fear of you lead us”