I trust you

Your name, and all it represents, lightens my heart, O Lord, as I consider your power and goodness. I trust in you and know that the world is in your hands. You care for me, because I seek you, to do your will. Continue reading “I trust you”

Praise is Yours

Praise is yours as God almighty,
Power belongs to you, and glory;
You throw down the proud and haughty,
Humble souls you lift and carry.

Let your approval be my guide

Keep me from the desire to hear
The praise of men, from words and acts
Designed to gain the human eye;
Let your approval be my guide
In all I do and say, in heart,
In thought, in every plan and purpose.

Take Us High

Make us see, O Lord, the power in prayer,
Take us high in heaven under your care,
To ask unceasingly, in time alone,
That Christ in every place be preached and known.

Fill me and show me

God Almighty, fill me with your Spirit that courage might possess me for proclaiming repentance and forgiveness of sins.

Show me clearly what is right, make me distinguish between good and evil.

Let me not be afraid to speak your truth so that others may be given opportunity to change.

Make love my motive, create in me the desire, above all others, to please you.