When everything seems up in the air

Your will, heavenly Father, is good and holy and pleasant and brings great blessing to all who submit to it. What a joy to know and do your bidding!

Forgive my shortcomings, cleanse me from my failures, let my sins be washed by the blood of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Perfect me by your grace, make my obedience complete in Christ, strengthen every good resolve and make me able for every good work by your Spirit. Continue reading “When everything seems up in the air”

The Hearing and Speaking of Our Communion

O God, I need you! Every hour and day, in every way!
Nothing, no one, can replace your presence in my life!
Keep schemes of Satan from crowding out the word of Spirit’s truth,
Or times of prayer — oh, needed season of prayer! — to praise and seek
Your blessed, holy face — encroaching thieves of precious time;
Lord, help me guard with care the hearing and speaking of our communion.
And let this conversation color every act and word,
That others may note that I have been with Jesus, my Lord and God!


Each Time We Meet

Each time beloved brethren meet,
Help me, O Lord, fulfill a need:
To wash a brother’s or sister’s feet,
To give a cup of water or feed
A hungry soul, to cheerfully greet
The lonely or broken heart, to guide
The lost and erring, for whom Christ died. Continue reading “Each Time We Meet”

To Breathe Is Pain

The soul is barren, Lord, and all around is desert sand,
Relief is far away, no one to help or lend a hand,
To breathe is pain, to move or think requires tremendous force,
I have no power within, no means to seek another source.

Come save me, O Almighty! Reach me by your mighty arm!
Come quickly, many are they of Satan’s horde to do me harm!
Come rescue me — dying in the dark and bottomless pit!
Until redeemed, for love and life and work I’m most unfit.


This life above all else

Praise to you, O Lord, for bringing eternal life to us in your Son Jesus Christ! Thank you for revealing it to us in him, and making it available to anyone willing to believe and obey.

We praise you for being the unchanging God who does not change at a whim your plan of salvation. We are grateful that we can know with certainty how to enter and remain in Christ, and for the power of the Spirit given to us in our new birth. Continue reading “This life above all else”