God’s model for the church’s prayers

  1. Content — Jesus gave what we rightly call the “model prayer” Mt 6; Lk 11, as a guide for what should be included in our prayers, as Paul did in 1 Tim 2.1-7;
  2. Candidate — We talk about the right candidate for baptism, but there is also a right candidate for leading prayer as well, 1 Tim 2.8:
    (a) Males;
    (b) Not just any male, but one who is holy and not angry;
  3. Comprehension — People must be able to understand the prayer, 1 Cor 14.13-16.

Outline from randalmatheny.com.

We have experienced your goodness

Thank you, heavenly Father, for another opportunity this year to focus on prayer. Impress upon our hearts yet again what a privilege it is to be able to have an audience with you at any time. Make this month special to us as we devote ourselves more intently on our prayers and on seeking your face.

We are grateful that when two or three agree in the kingdom and ask that your will be done, that you will do it.

Thank you for hearing us individually when we pray to you in private.

We have experienced your goodness, often shown to us in answered prayers. Let us never be bashful in seeking your blessing for ourselves and our neighbors.

Jesus is our example in prayer, so we praise you for the revelation of his life and relationship with you.

Help us to be more like him every day, in our prayers and in every way.

You’re not merely a polite listener

Lord, I bumped into an acquaintance in a store yesterday. She talks nonstop. I almost feel sorry for her, because of whatever need she feels that keeps her talking all the time. After a while patience runs out, and I have to run away from her.

But you’re not like that with those who come to you constantly with their needs. You’re not merely a polite listener looking to escape the torrent of words at the first opportunity. You hear and respond. You answer prayer. You are glad when we come to you.

Thank you for your open door, for always welcoming us in our prayers, for working in us and through us for good. There is no one else for us. We have nowhere else to go but you. You hold out the hope of eternal life and the peace the passes understanding. The world gropes in the dark for some meaning and finds only scraps and tatters. Blessed be the Lord who calls us to love and purpose and fulfillment!

A Heartbroken Daniel Prays

By John Henson, McMinnville TN

Daniel 9:2-19

  1. Daniel Admits Judah’s Sins (Verses 2-6)
  2. Daniel Admits Judah’s Shame (Verses 7-11)
  3. Daniel Admits the Consequences (Verses 12-15)
  4. Daniel Asks for God’s Help (Verses 16-19)

Hezekiah prayed

By John Henson, McMinnville TN

Isaiah 38:1-8

  2. HEZEKIAH PRAYED (Verses 2-3).

A lion’s courage

The wicked flee when no one pursues,
but the righteous are bold as a lion, Prov 28.1, ESV.

As God’s righteous saints, let us be bold and courageous:

  1. When it comes to prayer, 1 Chr 17.25; Heb 4.14-16.
  2. When it comes to evangelism, Acts 9.27; 23.11; 28.31; Eph 6.19-20; Phil 1.14; 1 Thes 2.2.
  3. When it comes to the truth of the gospel, Mic 3.8; 1 Cor 16.13; Gal 2.5, 14; Phil 1.15-18.
    • About Jesus as the only Way, Jn 14.6; Acts 4.12.
    • About the Bible as God’s Word, 2 Tim 3.16-17; 2 Pet 1.20-21.
    • About eternal salvation as the church’s work, Rom 6.22-23; 1 Pet 1.9; Heb 5.9; 9.12, 15; 1 Jn 5.11.


My first and last

Let my first thought be of you, dear God, and my last; thoughts of how to please you, to seek you, to serve you, to glorify you.

Let my first step be toward your presence, and my last in the footsteps of Christ; steps of holiness, wisdom, and joy.

Let my first breath be to thank you for love and reconciliation, O Lord, and my last to ask for the entrance into the eternal kingdom.

How to make every effort to enter through the narrow door

Lk 13.24: “Exert every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to” (NET).

Let us exert every effort:

  1. In knowledge, Prov 2.1-5.
  2. In prayer, Col 4.12.
  3. In meeting together, Heb 10.25; 12.1.
  4. In the gospel, Phil 1.30.