What yet we lack

Show us, God who sees the hearts and minds of all, what yet we lack to be complete in Christ.

Our one desire is for eternal life. Let us be willing to surrender anything in order to possess it.

Our one direction is toward heaven. Help us to remove any obstacle in our way.

Our one goal is to be like Christ. Keep us from quenching the Spirit and frustrating his work in us toward that end.

How little

How little, O Lord, are we inconvenienced for the gospel’s sake, next to the suffering that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ endured for our salvation!

How small our efforts are, which we feel make us tired and discouraged, next to the dedication and longsuffering of the Master as he attempted to teach multitudes and followers! Continue reading “How little”

Make us new again today

Make us new again today, O Lord! Just as you make the sun arise to produce a new day, may the Lord Jesus shine anew in our hearts.

The trials and challenges of the yesterday have left their mark. For those of today we seek new strength. For the storms that quickly arise we need more faith. Give us clearer sight for new opportunities.

Make us new again today!

Darkened Death

Wood and hammers, piercing spear,
Color of blood, smell of fear,
Cries of anguish, hopeless moans,
Broken flesh, protected bones.
Aching thirst, whispering lips,
Open wounds, welts of whips,
Empty laughter, soldiers’ bets,
Darkened death, forgiven debts.

Importance of prayer in sharing the gospel

Dewayne Bryant reminds us to pray for the lost:

All around us are people who do not know, or have not submitted to, Jesus Christ. As Christians, we understand the joyful blessings that are part of living a Christian life. We also understand the consequences of departing this life without knowing Christ. While there are many things we can do to reach the lost, we cannot forget about the importance of prayer as part of our efforts to share the gospel with others.

Read his whole article here.

From truth, many turn aside

From truth, many turn aside,
They turn instead to myths and lies;
Unwilling to change, they can’t abide
Repentance, with fables disguise
Rebellion, the joy of life untried.

O Lord, from falsehood, protect and keep,
Lest I, too, fall and turn to sin;
Let not my eyes grow heavy and sleep,
Shore up my strength that truth may win.


Prayer: A greater awareness of people


Dear LORD God, thank you for the amazing gift of life on this new day that glistens with fresh sounds of song birds, gentle winds and marvelous light from the sun. All these remind us of your tender loving care for all creation.

Give us a greater awareness of people who are lost without hope of eternal life. Help us to show them the way to receive the precious promises of this new covenant through obedience to the teachings of Christ the Lord.

We pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Binkley, Sr., Cedar Key, FL

Prayer: Intrinsic advantages of the righteous path


O LORD our God and dear Father in heaven, we joyfully come before your awesome existence on this new day as we join our hearts with others around the world in giving you the highest possible praise for all good blessings.

As we give you all glory and honor, help us to see the intrinsic advantages of the righteous path Christ leads us, instead of thinking of the right way as being cumbersome.

We offer this prayer in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Binckley Sr.