The Saints Are People Just Like Me

The saints are people just like me:
A mix of passion and holy desire,
A fight between the world and heaven,
Decision to make your will prevail,
Commitment to follow the risen Lord.
Make my love for them sincere,
Devotion to your people strong,
Unfeigned and brotherly, deep and pure.
Among us, Lord, be honored and praised,
Your exalted name be glorified,
As we, together, walk in faith,
In fellowship of eternal tones.

God of Mighty Acts and Words

God of gods, Lord of lords,
King of kings, Almighty I-AM,
God of mighty acts and words,
God who promised to Abraham,
Who sent to earth the living Lamb.

Hear us now, O Lord, we plead,
Before your throne your people bow,
Meet us at our point of need,
Come to us in the here and now,
As silent snow on the barren bough.

Cover us with your sacrifice,
Cleanse us by your perfect blood,
Let Jesus for our sin suffice,
None is there but he who’s good,
Who comes again in power and cloud.

Glory to God, to God all praise,
His the honor, his the power,
Pleasant and kind are all his ways,
Devil and demons before him cower,
For us he’s rock and shield and tower.


We have experienced your goodness

Thank you, heavenly Father, for another opportunity this year to focus on prayer. Impress upon our hearts yet again what a privilege it is to be able to have an audience with you at any time. Make this month special to us as we devote ourselves more intently on our prayers and on seeking your face.

We are grateful that when two or three agree in the kingdom and ask that your will be done, that you will do it.

Thank you for hearing us individually when we pray to you in private.

We have experienced your goodness, often shown to us in answered prayers. Let us never be bashful in seeking your blessing for ourselves and our neighbors.

Jesus is our example in prayer, so we praise you for the revelation of his life and relationship with you.

Help us to be more like him every day, in our prayers and in every way.

The greatest why of all

The great question we ask, O gracious Lord, is why. And the greatest why of all: our creation. Why did the self-sufficient God make us in your own image? Why go to the bother? What do you get out of this deal? You didn’t need us. For some reason, you desired us. By our creation you showed us that love seeks expression. Continue reading “The greatest why of all”

Water to the thirsty, food to the fugitives

Holy Father, we confess you as the one, true God, almighty in power, with knowledge of all things, unceasing in mercy, and righteous without exception.

Remove from us everything that pollutes and all that causes impurity. Wash us clean each day with the blood of your Son, as we walk in your light.

Keep us from bitterness of spirit when we see the rebellion and stubbornness of others, so that we ourselves may not be excluded from the kingdom. Continue reading “Water to the thirsty, food to the fugitives”