Before the earthly waters cleaved

Creation man

Praise to you, O God, who gives
In Christ all spiritual blessing, lives
Within our hearts, and guides our feet
To where the Savior and sainted meet.

Before the earthly waters cleaved,
Your perfect plan, in heaven conceived,
Chose men for grace, for order called,
In Eden Adam and Eve installed.

For man was made the universe,
That he your glories might rehearse,
Open to you that inner space,
Enjoy your presence face to face.

In us you set the hot desire
For heaven to which we may retire,
The Lord’s return we, breathless, wait,
While knocking on Jerusalem’s gate.

The gospel’s charm

Attractiveness of gospel

A diamond ‘midst the common stones,
A soul among sun-whitened bones,
Your fair, straight Way, where saints display
The Name above the small unknowns.

In us be seen the gospel’s charm,
Where reigns your peace, and none alarm,
Where hopes are high, and men rely
Upon your strong and powerful arm.

In Christ is heard the joyful sound,
In him is every blessing found,
His favors all to those who fall
Before the Son and Savior crowned.


Your light is life

Lord God, your light is life, your word is pure
To cleanse and make me whole, your will’s allure
Gives meaning to every day and every plan.
For you do all in Christ to rescue man.

Another day, another dawn

Another day, another dawn
Of opportunity, old things
Have passed away; the passion of Christ
Enlivens the heart and lifts the spirit.

Praise belongs to the Prince of Peace,
Both honor and glory are yours, O God;
From sin you saved my wandering soul,
Salvation is mine, and victory’s assured.

Though freedoms are lost, and friends abandon,
With me remain the words of the Master,
With hope and peace as highest possessions,
The comfort of God my constant good.

No friend like you

No friend like you—how can this be,
When God and man to talk are free,
The Maker choosing to condescend
And on his creature blessings send?

Your presence turns my common way
To glorious steps; the normal day
To eternal light and heavenly rest—
In Christ I live and know you best.

In quiet submission and peace sublime,
I seek you in my fleeting time;
This sweet communion makes me see
My king and friend coming for me.


A million voices speaking a million tongues over a million years

May many praise GodA million voices speaking a million tongues over a million years could not exhaust the praise due your name, O God.

Yet you are pleased with my simple words, for which I give you thanks. Your pleasure in your little ones like me, Father of heavenly lights, deepens my fear before your face.

Thank you, Lord, for no surprises, no last-minute amendments on the final day

Thank you, Lord, that on the final day, there’ll be no surprises, no changes, no last-minute amendments to the new covenant. For you have signed it in the permanent ink of your Son’s blood and sealed it with your Holy Spirit.

In Christ, what a comfort to know that we will be judged according to what we have done in the body, according to the mind of our Lord which we have shown to others, mercy for mercy, grace for grace, love for love!

For reproducing in me the image of yourself, by the power of him who raised Jesus from the dead, I praise you, O God!