The temple whose glory outshines the gold of Solomon

Heavenly Father, let my whys be the path to seek communion with you. May the dust of suffering carry the spirit into your presence. And may the many good gifts from the Lord of lights point me to the eternal Giver.

Let us hear the heavens proclaim your justice. We see the signs around us in this world of your power and majesty. The burning sun spreads your holiness. The rain reminds us that you wash our sins in Jesus’ blood. The turning seasons renew your lovingkindness. Continue reading “The temple whose glory outshines the gold of Solomon”

Water to the thirsty, food to the fugitives

Holy Father, we confess you as the one, true God, almighty in power, with knowledge of all things, unceasing in mercy, and righteous without exception.

Remove from us everything that pollutes and all that causes impurity. Wash us clean each day with the blood of your Son, as we walk in your light.

Keep us from bitterness of spirit when we see the rebellion and stubbornness of others, so that we ourselves may not be excluded from the kingdom. Continue reading “Water to the thirsty, food to the fugitives”

Praise is Yours

Praise is yours as God almighty,
Power belongs to you, and glory;
You throw down the proud and haughty,
Humble souls you lift and carry.

A perfect purpose

A perfect purpose planned
And carried out flawlessly,
Before the start of time,
When nothing was but You:
Spirit, thought, and Trinity,
Love contained in itself,
Desire to spread and touch
Another being, a soul
Free to choose or reject.

For such a plan as this,
O Lord, we give you praise.

Today we begin NaPraWriMo. Join in!