Praise Must Roll from Tongues

Heavenly Father, praise must roll from tongues
And tallest hills, from every rock and tree,
From creatures large and small, from depths and height,
From sea and space, from earth and seventh heaven.

For you, O Lord, the God who made it all,
Are sovereign over matter and murkiest mind,
You know the deepest secrets of sinful man,
Your word creates, your breath dissolves at will.

To you all glory and honor and power belong:
Besides your strength, what moves you is selfless love;
No evil’s in you, and none before you resists,
The good of light is you, and ever will be.

Our Desire

To you belong the power and praise,
O Ancient of Days!
No season, age, or dawn confines
Your eternal times!

Your grace is high — let no one miss
That heavenly bliss!
Our blackened root of bitterness
We soon confess!

To know your love is our desire,
Our zealous fire!
Our souls renew, our bodies raise
To joyfully praise
Your righteous ways.

What Word Have We to Say?

What word, O Lord, have we to say
but praise and gratitude?
From your good hand, day by day,
come life and love and food.

O God, let grace for abounding grace
be found upon our lips;
For heaven’s blessing in every place
all pains and hurts eclipse.

Your Perfect Plan of Love

Acts 4.23-31

Master of all, who made the heaven and earth
and sea, and every creature that they contain,
who by the Holy Spirit, through David, said:

“The nations rage, and foolish people plot;
Together earthly Kings and rulers stood
against the Lord, against his chosen Christ.”

You knew, O Lord, and know, the mind of man!
His thoughts are ever foolish, even from birth;
for your perfect plan of love he shows disdain.

And still Immanuel came! He chose to shed his blood;
with frail and humble humans he cast his lot —
the First of heaven in place of the lost, and last.

O Lord, you raised the Son of Man from the dead!
The Spirit’s power at work in impotent flesh
now gives a soul a chance to start afresh.

Yours Is the Day

Yours is the day, yours also the night,
Creator of every heavenly light,
Sun, moon, and stars unnumbered,
Before your greatness man is humbled.

You do not sleep, nor nap, nor slumber,
The hairs of our head, you know their number,
We fall before your holy beauty,
Teach us, Lord, our divine duty.

For Your Daily Blessings

Thank you, Lord Almighty, for your daily blessings!
Praise is yours for giving wise and spiritual lessons!
For the kingdom’s progress, make us selfless servants,
Save our peaceful spirits from Satan’s sly disturbance.

We breathe your air

Lord God, you are sovereign over all creation. You spoke absolutely everything into existence with the word of your mouth. You planned it all and brought it all to fruition. You sustain the universe and keep planets and galaxies in line. All life depends on your moment-by-moment, constant care. We breathe your air. We eat food you cause to grow. We move within a protective bubble of atmosphere, gravity, earth, weather, seasons, and water, with perfect conditions for our well-being. You are to be praised and thanked every day, time and again, for all you have done and continue to do for us.

We’ve no idea what might happen today. Misfortune may fall. Time and chance occur in our lives. Disaster and death may invade our routine. Things we consider blessings may happen as well. Plans will most certainly go awry. We confess that we do not have control over our world or our surroundings. But you know all things. You are in control. We cannot blame you for anything, for you intend only our good. Often, we suffer because of sin. This world has been affected by it. We must cope and work in between Eden and Heaven. We trust in you. We want to live by the power of the Word and the strength of your Spirit. Glorify the Lord Jesus in us.

Give us courage to speak and act like your people. Help us to live out the Good News. Put words into our mouths to speak to those in need, from the outflow of holy Scripture which we have stored up in our hearts. You do not offer us religion, but life. In the Way is love, hope, goodness, joy, and peace. Let us speak constantly of these and possess them in our hearts.

The world is in need of them as well. Thank you for folding us into your plan of salvation, for making us a part of this great mission to save souls. The responsibility awes us, we feel the weight of the work before us. Such an eternal impact that we can make causes us to rejoice. We can do something that truly will last forever. As we also do when we pray for others’ salvation and for our brothers’ effort to teach about Jesus’ death.

  • Bless plans of some brothers to travel to China and teach.
  • Give good results to our friends in New Zealand, Britain, Belgium, Nepal, Bangladesh, Ireland, Bolivia, South Africa, South Sudan, and Japan.
  • Bring the gospel to the Bind people of India, who as far as we know have no one to work among them.
  • Bless the efforts of our good friends Randy and Kathy Short in Recife, Brazil.

Father, you give your children unity of purpose, mind, and heart. Help us to speak the same language. Cause the Good News to give us one voice. May we be known for our love for one another. May the truth shine forth, and not opinions or personalities.

Make this day a moment of victory, whatever happens. Bless our families and our marriages. Lead our children and our siblings to your love. Give our parents your blessing for their patience with us. Let friends and neighbors be touched through your presence in us. Glorify yourself in us, may your name be praised in every way.

Praise belongs to you

Father in heaven, praise belongs to you for your justice, for bringing through Christ our justification, for carrying through with your saving purpose, for the promise of judgment in the last day, when the righteous will be seen as righteous and the wicked will be revealed for what they are. May I and mine and all whom I touch be found among the righteous, because of our confession of Christ.

Praise belongs to you for your faithfulness, for your word which never fails, for frustrating the plans of the nations and the evil purposes of the people, for your protection of those who fear you, those who have anchored their hope in your love, those who imitate the perseverance of your Son and our savior Jesus Christ. May I and mine and all whom I touch be found among those who reverence your Name and place their future in your hands.

Praise belongs to you for powerful help, for looking down from heaven upon us in your mercy, for your protection of your people who have no other source of strength but you, who have surrendered the politics and wars and human efforts at bringing about the divine kingdom, who have submitted themselves to your sovereign rule and benevolent reign. May I and mine and all whom I touch be found among those who belong to the kingdom, who have entered into Christ by obedience and faith, who dedicate their lives to the progress of the gospel.

Praise is yours, O God, and glory, and dominion. Yours, too, are wisdom, and power, and might, and splendor forever and ever. And ours is the joy and hope and love found only in Jesus Christ.

In this prayer you’ll find echoes of Psalm 33. If you can say amen to this prayer, please share it with others who might join us in that amen. Also, consider signing up to Believing Prayer, and receive the full text of the prayers by email.

Stores of Powers

Holy, holy, holy is your name,
Eternal Lord! — All glory is yours! —
In Christ are endless treasures and stores
Of powers! To him we lay our claim.

Praise for Word and Rescue

Father of lights, Eternal Lord,
We praise you, Sovereign God, for Word
And Rescue, heavenly thought and act,
For total truth and gospel fact,
For precious promises, all fulfilled,
For power of your command which stilled
The winds and water, and human heart;
For love—from which no force can part
The faithful; for glad humility
That brought us hope from a living tree.