Alone and Spurned

Rejection, Lord, is painful.
I want to be accepted
by everyone.
But some turn away
with a single look,
And others listen briefly,
then close their ears,
and show their backs.
How far can I go
to win their love?
Does changing to please mean
that I cease to remain myself?
Alone and spurned is a hard
road to walk.
Does Jesus understand?

Come live with me, Your Omnipresence

Bible brings us GodLead me, Lord, and I will follow.
Love, me, Father, then I’ll love again.
Purify me, O Holy One, to make me clean.
Come live with me, Your Omnipresence, and I’ll draw near to the lonely.
Strengthen me, Omnipotent God, so I may brace the weak.
Teach me, Omniscient Knower, and give me words to speak.
Fulfill in me your will, Finisher of Plans, that I might run the whole race.
Guide me, Purest Light, in my next step.