What I need today

Calm is what I need today, faithful Lord and God. Slow down my mind, speed my hands, bring peace and joy to me and to all those around me.

Let Jesus’ word dwell richly in me. May gratitude well up from the heart and spill over in kind words and loving actions.

Help me see my responsibilities to others, be it in the home, in the body of Christ, or in the world, as opportunities to serve.

Remind me always of the privilege I have to pray. Teach me to pray. I want to pray about those things that concern you most.

Use me to pass on the faith to others. Even though they might not remember my name, may they remember the Name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Spiritual unity in 3-D

Ephesians 4.1-13


  1. A friend once said that in order to have unity we may have to fight a lot. By that he meant we must work hard for it.
  2. Unity comes from the cross of Christ, Eph 2.11-22.
  3. Christ blessed the peacemakers, because he was the first and greatest of them, Mt 5.9.
  4. Some movies offer a 3-D experience. Unity in Christ also comes in 3-D:

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On earth, the harmony of heaven

Thank you, Lord, that our lives may be orderly in this chaotic world. You who brought order to the universe out of the emptiness and shapelessness of our earth bring and desire for us the peace and harmony that exists in heaven.

We praise you for making us creatures who need such orderliness, in order to function well in your realm.

Use us also to bring this same order, in which you reign, to those whose lives are upended by human passions and sins. For where you are, there peace is.

Another day, another dawn

Another day, another dawn
Of opportunity, old things
Have passed away; the passion of Christ
Enlivens the heart and lifts the spirit.

Praise belongs to the Prince of Peace,
Both honor and glory are yours, O God;
From sin you saved my wandering soul,
Salvation is mine, and victory’s assured.

Though freedoms are lost, and friends abandon,
With me remain the words of the Master,
With hope and peace as highest possessions,
The comfort of God my constant good.