True and living God,
- Your works go before you and proclaim your glory. In Christ we see your love and goodness, the justice brought to man. You are worthy of praise.
- We love you, and desire that you dwell in our hearts. Come to us, for we have come to the Rock that shelters us above all tempests.
- Forgive us of the sin of anxiousness, O Lord, that inner turmoil over our many responsibilities or dread concerning current events.
- Give us, Father, a sense of abundance and fullness, that come from the bounty of your goodness.
- We are thankful for technology that permits us to do more, be more efficient in our work, have greater contact with loved ones and friends, share the gospel with the lost.
- Father, bless the work of the Good News in Argentina. May the brethren there be strong in faith. Send more workers into that field.
- Uphold the work of Colin and Lisa Graham in Bangor, North Ireland, and give them fruit from their labors.
- Bless parents as they rear their children in the fear of your Name, transmit to them the joy of serving Christ, and instill in them love in its purest form.
- Thank you, Lord, for reconciliation, to give us peace with you and in ourselves, for peacemaking as our objective.
- Thank you for the recorded history, in Scripture, of your work to save mankind, for your patience with the stubbornness of Israel and with the recalcitrance of the church.
What a wonderful God you are to love and save us!