Let Us Do Good

The fire on a lit match casts no shadow.  If Christians are light, then why do we often rely exclusively on worldly means–signs, advertising, an attractive facility–to compete with the darkness to get noticed?  Jesus and the 1st century disciples didn’t have billboards or business cards.  And, while some of this is useful (Luke 16:8) for us, the greatest periods of growth in the Lord’s church came about by preaching truth and doing good (Galatians 6:7-10).

I. Acts 10:36-38.  Jesus reaped what He sowed.  While on this earth, He viewed every interaction as an opportunity to advance the gospel, so much so that He was known for going around and doing good.  Even when He spoke, He wasted no effort to show the world that God was among them (John 7:40-46).  So, our every word and deed ought to show the world Jesus (Colossians 3:17) to increase His kingdom.

II. Matthew 25:37-40.  Preaching truth and doing good is light in a world of darkness, and so different than any of the worldly efforts we could employ to get noticed.  And, because it is hard, we may grow weary.  Jesus promises to be with us (Matthew 28:18-20), so we are never alone.  If we persevere as a church and in our personal ministries to shine our light on a stand for all to see, we will be rewarded.

III. Ephesians 4:15-16.  So, we must view every interaction we have out in the world and with each other as an opportunity to show Jesus by preaching truth and doing good.  Rather than seeing the church as a refuge–God is instead (2 Samuel 22:2-3)–to escape the world, we must see it as a base to regroup (Acts 13:1-3) so we can serve.  Only by shining light can we compete with the darkness to overcome it and grow.

We must pray that God will give us opportunities to preach truth and do good and that we will see them.  Then we can serve as a church and develop personal ministries in every interaction and situation.

This day with hope

Father, so many people groups remain to be reached. They live not only in remote corners of the earth, but near us as well, in poor ghettos and rich enclaves, behind walls of their own choosing or imposed upon them, people considered sane and others thought to be crazy, people who suffer great pain or wrongs, others who live in pleasure and luxury. Let us never refrain from speaking and from offering the salvation in Christ that we have come to know.

Let us see this day with hope and expectation. Help us hold on to faith in the flurry of activities, in the whirl of work and demands. Show us the opportunities that lie before us. Give us courage to create moments of openness by our demeanor and speech.

Make us see that in our world we deal with souls who will live forever in heaven or hell, people who were created in your image, individuals with perspectives, opinions, fears, and ambitions. Help us hear and observe to understand, that we might more effectively share the truth of the gospel.

Let the Good News be to us our life. Let us be willing to surrender all for the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us be wholly dependent upon the guidance of your Spirit. Let your love be our most precious possession. Let your presence comfort and encourage us at every step of our journey toward eternity. Amen!

What I need today

Calm is what I need today, faithful Lord and God. Slow down my mind, speed my hands, bring peace and joy to me and to all those around me.

Let Jesus’ word dwell richly in me. May gratitude well up from the heart and spill over in kind words and loving actions.

Help me see my responsibilities to others, be it in the home, in the body of Christ, or in the world, as opportunities to serve.

Remind me always of the privilege I have to pray. Teach me to pray. I want to pray about those things that concern you most.

Use me to pass on the faith to others. Even though they might not remember my name, may they remember the Name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The prayer of When

When silence prevails, let your Word speak gently in my heart.

When noise dominates, let your quietness rule within me.

When we find ourselves in the presence of foolishness, let your wisdom penetrate the moment.

When wisdom overcomes, let gratitude for the knowledge of you permeate and let the power of your Spirit guide us. Continue reading “The prayer of When”

That I Might See the Opportunity

Words are multiplied, O God, but acts of love are rare.
This world of war and hate know little of life that’s pleasant and fair.
I may not change the course of nations or cause the battle to cease,
Among my neighbors, though, I can promote a spirit of peace.
Give wisdom, Lord, that I might see the opportunity
To speak of Christ, to show his grace, to offer community.
Perfect in me that love of yours for saint and sinner both,
While fleeing sin, let me sow seed to spur the kingdom’s growth.


To love and serve

Father, while last night we counted our blessings of the day, we awaken this morning to the prospect of wonderful opportunities to love and serve.

We will be grateful also in each moment of this day, for what we may learn and for how we may be of use to the kingdom. Continue reading “To love and serve”

Drudgery on Mondays

Father, lift up the eyes of those who see only drudgery on Mondays. Help them to see the promise of the new day, the opportunity of serving God and neighbor, the sweetness of the early morning, the renewal of life and love.