Blessing and to bless

Father, give us focus today and help us devote attention and energies to what is important and to the opportunities at hand.

In our time with the saints today, may it be a blessing to us and to all who are present in our assemblies.

Thank you for the greatest blessing of all, eternal salvation in Christ. May that be the blessing we seek most to share with others.

Make love our deepest and truest motivation. Keep us solidly within the truth. Give us words that are true, clear, plain, and compelling.

We want to please you. Show us how. Help us hear the Word. Provide for our needs, and may we rejoice in your glorious presence and inherent goodness.

Another Journey

We rise again, O Lord, to face
Another journey, another step,
Another day of friendly grace,
For waking joys till now asleep.

Our thanks, O God, for daily bread
And strength, for wisdom’s gentle light,
Midst trial and pain, for faithful aid
Upon the tempter’s fiery height.

My Savior, show me open doors
For Jesus Christ — let me not fear
To bravely leave the safer shores,
But dare, beyond horizons, steer.

Thank you for opportunities

Thank you, Father, for so many opportunities to learn, grow, serve, and love. Instead of being discouraged by so many needs out there, let me be encouraged and motivated that you open so many doors.

My heart overflows with gratitude, O Lord, who gives life, that you preserve us and make life so interesting and beautiful.

God who knows every hair on our heads, I’m terrible at math, and worse at counting my blessings. Help me to keep up better and be grateful. I confess my ingratitude. Continue reading “Thank you for opportunities”