What yet we lack

Show us, God who sees the hearts and minds of all, what yet we lack to be complete in Christ.

Our one desire is for eternal life. Let us be willing to surrender anything in order to possess it.

Our one direction is toward heaven. Help us to remove any obstacle in our way.

Our one goal is to be like Christ. Keep us from quenching the Spirit and frustrating his work in us toward that end.

Lord, it’s easy to live without objectives

We acknowledge, Lord, that it’s easy to live without objectives. It takes nothing, nothing but indifference and indolence. God, help us to sit down and set some objectives, some goals. If, no more than to know You and teach Your Word, that others may be fed and grow, to start there. Whatever it is, Father, help us to set a goal, the energy, the spirit, to go at the courage of conviction, to pay any price. —John Macarthur

You, Lord, don’t want me to walk in circles, like Israel in the desert, until I drop

Sovereign God, Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years to die there. This was your judgment on them for disobedience. But you don’t want me to walk in circles until I drop. Give me focus, the objective of glorifying you by actions and words. Let my goals be clear, my specific tasks well defined, my activity that of Jesus: to bring others to you. Because he is Lord! Amen.