Bless your people with material prosperity

Father, bless your people with material prosperity when their goal is like Gaius’s, to support the progress of the Good News of Christ.

Thank you for generous congregations and individual saints who give for the gospel rather than squirreling away their monies for savings and investments or spending lavishly upon themselves.

Help us to make proper use of our funds in our personal accounts and in our spending of funds for the use of reaching others to save them for eternal life.

Keep us from the idolatry of greed, from the love of money, from the devotion to work and earning salaries that prevent us from full devotion to your Son as Lord and Savior.

Put in our hearts your love and kindness that will overflow in good works and giving to supply needs.

Let Them Save You

Idolatry.  That’s so Old Testament!  After all, no one today worships something they put before God … oh.  Well, maybe there’s money and materialism, success and sensuality, jobs and hobbies, food and entertainment.  Perhaps the list could even extend into all the negative ways we seek to escape the stress of life instead of putting our trust in God.

What’s the reason the cycle of sin in the time of Judges as well as now continues to repeat in God’s people?  What is it about idols that made them and us forsake God, so that they and us cry out for a deliverer?

I.  Judges 10:6-16.  God knew that mankind, if given the chance, would turn to other things than Him and so carved it into stone (Exodus 20).  The foundation of idolatry is covetousness (Colossians 3:5).  We are made in God’s image, but since we cannot control God, we strive to make God in ours.  Instead of taking joy in being God’s chosen people, we compromise to become like everyone else.  And then we become complacent because what we serve is not greater than ourselves.

II.  Romans 1:15-16.  How can the gospel break the cycle of sin.  Our world of relative morality works to make us believe that sin and judgment aren’t real and so paves the way for idolatry.  At times in Judges, God’s people would temporarily break the cycle by acknowledging their sin.  We must be convinced that repentance is essential (Romans 2:2-5), judgment is real (Romans 14:10-12), and that the gospel is the solution (Romans 6:1-11).

III.  Hebrews 7:22-25.  But unlike God’s people of the time of Judges who would fall back into sin and idolatry when the judge died (Judges 2:16-19), we have a Judge, the perfect deliverer, who always lives to intercede for us.  Therefore, once rescued from sin and death, we never need to go back into the life we once lived.

Christians, who know the power of the gospel, need to return to trusting God fully and not seek idols of their own fashioning.

Save me

Heavenly Father,
save me from dying in the desert
because of my discontent —
Let me find reason for gratitude.

Only God,
save me from the pleasure of idolatry,
from deifying desire —
Let me know the true and living God.
Continue reading “Save me”

The prayer you taught us

Oh, Lord, the prayer you taught us to pray covers the bases. We direct our hearts and thoughts to you as he who dwells in heaven and is the source of all that is good. Your relationship to us as Father determines how we regard every other relationship. The deep reverence for your name awakens in us a corresponding respect for all you have done, for the life you place in others, and for the purpose you have given us here on earth.

That purpose is wrapped up in the kingdom, in your powerful and gracious rule over mankind. May more and more people acknowledge you. Help us to work so that others may confess you.

When they do, they, like we, will fulfill your will. What we want is not important. We have so little basis for judging what is good and right and beneficial. Our emotions get in the way. Our desires drive us far from the ultimate good. We confess our limitations. We want what you want, O Lord. Make your will predominate, just as angels and spiritual beings do your will without question or doubt in the heavenly realms.

It’s a hard world down here, while all seems to go smoothly up there. We work hard, money is tight, budgets get out of control. We worry about paying bills, at the same time that we spend on unnecessary items. How we waste our resources! In all that material confusion and weakness, Father, help us to depend upon you to provide for our needs. You always have. We’ve never gone hungry. We’ve always had clothes to wear. Give us control of our income. Provide us with work of dignity and sufficiency. Continue reading “The prayer you taught us”

You Richly Give Us All Good Things

You richly give us all good things
for our enjoyment, but instead,
we set our hope on them, becoming
haughty, thinking we produced them.
We are rich in this world’s goods,
but keep our hope on you, and teach us,
then we’ll do lasting good to others,
be rich in works of blessed deeds,
generous givers, sharing with others.
We’d save up treasure for ourselves,
a firm foundation for the future,
and so take hold of truest life.
As Captain of our lives, O God,
make it so, and turn our thoughts
to eternal rewards, not earthly riches.
Let time and strength and wealth be given
to high pursuits and holy ways.
Show us how uncertain is wealth,
How sure your word and will and work.

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