Your name is above all names

Our Father in Heaven, your name is above all names. Your glory outshines all others. Let your name be often upon our lips in reverence and respect, but never lightly nor frivolously.

May the reign of Jesus come to more and more lives. Let this world know that you rule as Sovereign. Help us speak so that many might be placed under your benevolent care.

Father, we want to do your will and are committed as your people to fulfilling it. Give us strength to obey your commands. Give us power to convert others, that they too might give up their stubborn wills in order to submit to you. Continue reading “Your name is above all names”

The model prayer

Most prayers are not answered because they are said by unredeemed tongues.

The model prayer consists of only 65 words and can be said in 15 seconds.

If we follow Christ’s example, our public prayers will be shorter and our private prayers will be longer.

God Said, Gospel Advocate Companion 1998-99