The Missionary

The Missionary   [I wrote this towards the beginning of my now twenty year mission]


Today I removed a stump.

I loved a child who knew not love.

I was her father for she had not one.

She played with my kids and ate dinner not from a box or delivered by a car.

She bowed her head at a table with a family

and heard the man who took her in submit himself to God in prayer.

My wife held her and hugged her and rocked her and told her that she was loved.

The child learned that Jesus was hope and not a vain epithet muttered in angry hopelessness.

She stayed the night because there was not a place for her at home.


The roots of the stump ran generations deep.

Did I uproot it in one day?

No, but countless days, chopping and straining against the gnarled behemoth.

And still, shoots from the old wood may spring forth and dominate.

For now there’s a hole.

Not much to show, it seems, for my effort.

But a place to plant a seed.


Around me are the holes of many absent stumps

with sprouts from seeds I have planted.

Tomorrow it may be rocks I must remove

lest the roots beshallow and the plant be scorched.

Or maybe tomorrow I will pull the life-choking thorns that spring so readily

from this hard ground now that there are holes in the canopy.


The Master Farmer has sent another to share in the toil!

When I have fallen, he has lifted me up.

When the cold gripped the rugged land, we kept each other warm.

When wolves attacked, trampling and tearing at the tender shoots,

we were not overpowered but stood back to back.

Twice, herbicide was sprayed across the rough field.

How we mourned the dead!

How we struggled daily to purify the soil and nurse the sick.


We look now at the field and see holes–

empty places where the old growth once shielded seed from the Son,

empty places where boulders once laid unyielding,

empty places where thorns once sucked life.


We also see poking through the debris and amongst stumps, rocks, and thorns yet to be pulled–

young plants.

Some have thickened in their trunks, having persevered through countless storms.

Most have blossomed and are nourishing fellow plants.

They are leading and loving, giving and growing.


But from the distant watchtower those who squint see only the holes.

“Where are the new and mighty trees? Have you not cast any seed?”

What can I answer?

Today I removed a stump.

Bridge of Life

To reach another soul, as mine
Was touched by grace, and draw
From darkness’ fear, across the line
To safety — a bridge of life — what awe!

Scatter your people abroad

Lord God of love for the world, in times past your people launched out across the earth to proclaim salvation in Christ. They planted themselves in other cultures, among peoples strange to them, in order to learn their language and their unique perspectives. They did this in order to better communicate the gospel of redemption.

Why, O Lord, are so few doing this today? Why do people consider themselves missionaries after spending a week or two abroad?

Raise up servants who will identify with another culture, learn their language, understand their needs, and bring the gospel to their hearers in a powerfully appropriate way.

Yes, Lord, scatter your people abroad, however it must be done.

Only from You

The gift of yet another day of life
Comes only from you, the gracious Giver
Of good. Let all creation praise your name!

Air for breathing, living water for drink,
The word of love between us our lasting link,
Your caring touch — To you be glory forever!

Tumultuous world of anguished men in need!
To Jesus Christ the Savior would you lead
Each precious soul in freedom — All power is yours!

Your servant hears, O Lord! He runs to obey
Your blessed command. Put wings upon his feet.
Let lanterns on a hill illumine your Name!

Lord, Make

Lord, make my spoken words be few —
and wholesome! By them change and save
one life — or many — of pagan or Jew,
of worldly or pious, of noble or knave.

Lord, make me bite my tongue when the mind
would spew out garbage thoughtlessly —
and loosen it freely when I find
an act to praise — or on my knee.

Lord, make me a child whose words and actions
agree — who follows what he speaks —
who’s guided by love, not heated passions —
who’s strong in faith, but in wrath is weak.

Lord, make your Name my lips’ best praise —
your glory my charm and disposition —
your mercy and grace my constant phrase —
your love my joyous, eternal mission.

This day with hope

Father, so many people groups remain to be reached. They live not only in remote corners of the earth, but near us as well, in poor ghettos and rich enclaves, behind walls of their own choosing or imposed upon them, people considered sane and others thought to be crazy, people who suffer great pain or wrongs, others who live in pleasure and luxury. Let us never refrain from speaking and from offering the salvation in Christ that we have come to know.

Let us see this day with hope and expectation. Help us hold on to faith in the flurry of activities, in the whirl of work and demands. Show us the opportunities that lie before us. Give us courage to create moments of openness by our demeanor and speech.

Make us see that in our world we deal with souls who will live forever in heaven or hell, people who were created in your image, individuals with perspectives, opinions, fears, and ambitions. Help us hear and observe to understand, that we might more effectively share the truth of the gospel.

Let the Good News be to us our life. Let us be willing to surrender all for the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us be wholly dependent upon the guidance of your Spirit. Let your love be our most precious possession. Let your presence comfort and encourage us at every step of our journey toward eternity. Amen!

Better death than harm

Lord God and Father of our Savior Jesus Christ, give us courage so that we would prefer death rather than partake in sins that defraud our neighbor and harm our fellow humans.

Help us to be willing, if need be, to surrender our name and life rather than turn our backs on your mission. Keep us from shrinking back as we work for the spiritual freedom and eternal salvation of those oppressed by sin and living in the chains of darkness.

Make us stand firm in Christ. Let us not waver in our duty. Keep us from making provision for the flesh. Strengthen our limbs and harden our resistance to the evil one. Let the love of Christ flow over us and surround us with your presence. Secure us in your Spirit and seal us with your power, forever.


Never a glass half empty

Father, let us never be people
who only see a glass half empty,
but a nation who lives in your fullness,
a family who dives into piled-up grace,
who delights in gift upon gift,
agents of a single mission who refuse
to keep salvation for self,
who understand that gospel means sharing,
that Good News means speaking,
that the Cross is proclamation,
and that the Spirit brings transformation
and a change of eternal destiny.

Lord God, keep us from squabbles and minor issues,
tear from us the tendency toward clergy preachers,
pride in physical things and buildings,
merit of our own construction,
and build us up in the Word as members of the body,
each one aware of his responsibility,
each one active in his place,
everyone contributing to the greater good
and growth of the saints.

War won by privates

General Eisenhower once rebuked one of his generals for referring to a soldier as “just a private.” He reminded him that the army could function better without its generals than it could without its foot soldiers. “If this war is won,” he said, “it will be won by privates.” In the same way, it is the common, servant-like believer who becomes the very backbone of the body of Christ. We are often overly impressed by our great evangelists and superstar Bible teachers and leaders who stand before large crowds, but if the glorious message of the person and work of Christ is to reach the world, it will be done by a church that functions as bondslaves of the Savior (cf. Luke 12:15; Luke 12:32; 2 Peter 2:19; 1 John 3:17). —J. Hampton Keathley

Grateful to be called

What a blessing to be in your presence, heavenly Father! What security and peace we feel to walk before you.

Even to the unjust you show yourself benevolent. How much more do you care for and show concern for your righteous people!

Many people are concerned with freedom and privacy today. And even though they are legitimate concerns in the nations, we are grateful to be free in the way that really matters.

Many today run after possessions. We give thanks that we have what can never be taken away from us.

Many today seek pleasures. We are thankful for the profound joy of following Christ and having our separating sins removed.

Many today seek a better place to live, even moving to other countries in search of improved conditions. We praise you that we have been transferred from dark and evil powers into the kingdom of the Son whom you love.

Many want to change jobs. We are profoundly grateful to be called to the greatest work of all, that of explaining to those who are far away what you have done in Christ to reconcile us to yourself.