Excited about this day

Lord God of love, let me be excited about this day, as a time to love, to give, to call to faith, as the hour of salvation, as a moment of new birth from heaven, of truth and knowledge, of hearing the Good News, as a space to welcome the Only Son and walk in the light.

Heavenly Father, make this day a challenge to the will, to decide to be the lover and giver that you are; a stimulation for the mind, to understand better the marvels of your wisdom; a brace for the emotions, to feel the joy of knowing you and of entering into your fellowship; a hope for the spirit, to escape the chains of sin and embrace eternal life in the Son.

I have today, Father, as your gift

I have today, Father, as your gift.
Touch a needy life through me.
Remind us all of eternity.
Fill each hour with joy in Christ.
Keep sad and angry thoughts at bay.
Let now be yours and ours, today.